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Supporting Brevard Public Schools for over 64 years.
If you’re not a member, we invite you to join our local financial cooperative and help us continue the mission to support schools! You’ll save money on the financial services you need to run your household, receive personal service combined with the convenience of superior online and mobile services, and the satisfaction of knowing that your choice for a financial services provider is helping to make a positive impact on your school and your community.
Here are just two offers available only to employees of Brevard Public Schools.
Open a FREE Debit/Checking Account
After 60 days we’ll deposit $100* in your account if you do the following:
• Sign up for eStatements (they are FREE!)
• Download the Mobile App and use at least one
• Use your debit card 10 times within 60 days to
make purchases or payments**
Enter or Mention Marketing Code: MK-FOUNDERS
and Receive
$100 after 60 days
Cash Back and 90 Days No Payments
Refinance the auto loan you have now with another lender to CCU and get $225 cash back1 plus you’ll have no payments for 90 days.2
• Choice of monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly payments • Low credit union rates
• 24/7 easy application with fast, local decisions
• Apply at or call 321.637.3211
Enter or Mention Marketing Code: MK-225REFI
Join Online at
Membership share account with a one-time fee of $5 is required. Membership is available to Brevard, Orange, Osceola, Indian River, Volusia, & Polk County residents. *Sign up for free eStatements (opt out of paper statement), download the mobile app and use one service, use the account debit card 10 times within 60 days to make purchases or payments, keep the account in good standing, and we will deposit your $100 bonus within one month following the 60-day anniversary date. **ATM usage does not count towards the 10 debit card transactions. 1Minimum loan balance of $10,000 to receive cash. Limited time offer expires when withdrawn by CCU. Cash bonus will be deposited to the Share Savings Account associated with the loan account at loan closing. Existing CCU loans are not eligible. Loan rates are based on credit history, loan terms and borrower qualifications. 2Payment can be deferred for 90 days, however, interest will accrue from date of contract. Federally insured by NCUA.

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