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Sydney Sinclair, a senior at Edgewood Jr./Sr. High in Merri  Island, was the only student from Brevard Public Schools to have her por olio accepted into the 2018 Florida State Fair Art Por olio contest. The compe  on is an opportunity for students to showcase their work and win scholarship money with up to $10,000 in prizes awarded. More than 408 por olios statewide were submi ed, and only 32 were accepted. Her por olio was selected based on crea ve and personal expression, technical competency and communica on of a clear visual intent.
A sample piece from Sydney Sinclair’s art por olio.
Jackson Middle
The team at Andrew Jackson Middle values their community as much as educa on. According to Principal Tina Susin, giving back is a natural way to show their love for Titusville. In December, the school’s Na onal Junior Honor Society members did just that by suppor ng two local chari es.
The students delivered Christmas cheer to the North Brevard Sharing Center by providing necessi es such as diapers and hygiene products. A second delivery was made to the SPCA of Brevard adop on center. The cats and dogs were happy
to see the students deliver much needed supplies such as food, treats and especially toys. The students also learned of volunteer opportuni es that can help them complete service-hour requirements.
Bayside High
Bayside High students in the High School High Tech program designed and built a  ny house. They received help from students outside of the program as well as community partners. This project showcased what students with disabili es, paired with students without disabili es, can accomplish as they learn real-life and career skills. The construc on was funded by The Able Trust, a founda on that helps Floridians with disabili es enter the workforce. Brevard Schools Founda on served as the  scal agent for The Able Trust grant. The  ny house will be returned to The Able Trust and auc oned-o  to raise money for its programs.
     Students and community partner to build  ny house.
 Edgewood Jr./Sr. High
    Honor society students delivered necessi es to local people and animals.
       (day & night classes)
Microsoft Office Specialist certifications-
Customer services & sales Certification Program
Gentle Community Yoga $5!
Tuesday Evenings
is offering new classes to the community!
Contact Anna Ryan 321-633-3660 X 170 for more information

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