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  Quest Elementary
Students in the GEMS gi ed program at Quest Elementary in Viera made 91 surgery sock warmers for South Animal Care Center’s animals. The tube socks, which are  lled with rice, are heated in the microwave and stay warm for hours. They are placed around the animals a er surgery to keep them warm. The third- graders are working on lessons about kindness and giving to others in need.
What’s Cool in Schools
   Gi ed students provide comfort to recovering animals.
Quest Elementary also is headquarters for the Canine Commandos, Inc. where students teach shelter dogs basic commands so they’re more likely to be adopted. Students from several BPS
   schools par cipate in the group, which just received a $10,000 grant from the Petco Founda on for the work they do in three shelters. The Commandos are always ready to meet shelter needs and they o en help animals in addi onal ways such as reading to them.
Canine Commando members help socialize shelter animals.
Sabal Elementary
Sabal Elementary students in Ocie Dorrico ’s sixth grade class won a compe  on to brand a new Melbourne Police Department elementary school outreach program.
The students from
the Melbourne school
came up with the name
COPS or Cool Outside
Programs at School.
They even designed
a logo for COPS.
Community Resource O cer Ben Solver started the ini a ve in the fall so children could get to know the department’s o cers in a posi ve se ng.
        Sixth-graders team up with Melbourne Police Department.

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