Page 11 - Oaths 2019
P. 11

 Gauthami Balagopal
I WILL UPHOLD the well-being of my patients and others in all situations, to the best of my abilities
I WILL MAINTAIN the trust and confidentiality of my patients
I WILL explain diagnoses or treatment plans as many times as need, in patient centered language and ensure complete understanding
I WILL consider patients as individuals and not just a set of symptoms
I WILL ADDRESS social, cultural and emotional issues along with health issues
I WILL NOT ALLOW personal judgements to affect patient care
I WILL MAINTAIN respect for the values and morals of patients
I WILL NOT ALLOW self-preservative thoughts negatively affect what is best for my patient
I WILL NOT ALLOW personal gain cloud my judgement
I WILL work collaboratively with others and respect their thought for the best interests of my patients
I WILL attend to and maintain my personal physical and emotional wellness to the best of my abilities in order to provide optimum care to others
I WILL self-reflect often in order understand my limitations and act accordingly
I WILL do the right thing and maintain integrity even if it is not the path of least resistance
I WILL work tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of my patients
I PROMISE to uphold these pledges to the best of my abilities
Parsa-Parsi RW. The Revised Declaration of Geneva: A Modern-Day Physician’s Pledge. JAMA. 2017;318(20):1971–1972. doi:10.1001/jama.2017.16230
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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