Page 10 - Oaths 2019
P. 10

 Jaclyn Arvedon
I will always give my patients my complete, undivided attention.
I will leave any preconceived notions or biases at the door.
I will listen to my patient’s stories and put myself in their shoes to better understand them.
I will not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, appearance, religion, or any other factors.
I will always keep my patient’s best interest in mind, and will not be distracted or influenced by hospital policy or health insurance companies.
I will respect the privacy of my patients, and not share their information with anyone not directly involved in their care.
I will respect patient autonomy.
I will treat each patient as their own unique entity.
I will ensure I receive informed consent before proceeding with any procedure or treatment.
I will act with the utmost professionalism and respect towards patients and colleagues.
I will not be afraid to ask for help when needed.
I will always be honest with my patients, and will not use coercion to achieve desired outcomes.
I will work with a cohesive healthcare team to ensure accuracy and efficacy in patient care.
I will never stop learning and will always strive to enhance my skill set.
I will never let pride or arrogance infiltrate my career.
I will work avidly to prevent burnout and ensure that I am satisfied in my career in order to best serve my patients.
With this oath, I commit myself to medicine and acknowledge the ups and downs that I will encounter in this field.
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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