Page 16 - Oaths 2019
P. 16

 Courtney Bryant
I swear to uphold to the best of my abilities these promises to my future patients and to society as a whole:
I WILL ALWAYS remember it is an honor to be called a physician and a privilege I WILL NOT take for granted.
I WILL EMPATHIZE with my patients and put their autonomy and well-being above else.
I WILL PRACTICE bias free medicine and living knowing TRUST and RESPECT are the keys to a healthy doctor patient relationship.
I WILL NOT use medicine to harm others while always remembering the pure intent to pursue this career was to use my skills to better lives.
I WILL NEVER divulge my patient’s secrets even after they are no longer under my care.
I WILL NEVER lie to my patients or colleagues and break the trust I have worked hard to gain.
I WILL CONTINUE to strive for improvement and medical advances knowing that my time for learning is never finished.
I WILL WORK collaboratively with my team and colleagues because without them patient care and satisfaction would be broken.
I WILL TAKE CARE OF my own well-being because I cannot help others if I need help myself.
I WILL NEVER FORGET that God, my teachers, and my support system have helped me get to where I am today and I WILL NEVER STOP giving thanks to those who believed in me.
These are the promises I make to myself to stay humble and remember to serve my community and my patients who are counting on me.
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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