Page 17 - Oaths 2019
P. 17

 Alexandra Cabrera
I swear to uphold this oath and reflect on it periodically throughout my career as a physician:
I will ensure that I always take the time to listen to my patients and take all parts of their history into account. I will strive to see them as the complex, multifaceted human beings that there are, and never reduce them to a set of symptoms.
I will make sure to keep my patient’s best interest in mind, and fiercely advocate for them and their welfare.
I will respect my patient’s privacy, and not disclose their information unless absolutely necessary.
I will respect my patient’s decisions and ensure that they are followed by other members of my team.
I will never be too proud to ask for help, or to admit that I do not know something.
I will continuously strive to find new and better ways to care for my patients, and vow not to become complacent, as medicine is constantly changing and advancing.
I will never fail to consider my patient’s opinions regarding their care, making sure that they know that their care is a team effort.
I will preserve the integrity of this noble profession by always making sure I hold my colleagues accountable.
I will be a kind and humble member of my health care team, and ensure that my colleagues and other staff members feel comfortable and appreciated in our working environment.
I will fight for the underserved, and work to correct health care disparities.
I will remember that listening to my patient, and being empathetic, can have just as much of a positive effect as the treatments I order, and strive to conduct my practice accordingly.
I will take care of myself, physically and mentally, understanding that I need to be well in order to best care for my patients.
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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