Page 61 - Oaths 2019
P. 61

 Matan Ozery
I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:
I pledge to understand the opinions of others before making judgements or decisions, regardless of how conflicting they are with my own values.
I pledge to recognize that each person is an individual with a unique history that shapes them and I will account for that with every interaction.
I pledge to demonstrate respect to build stronger bonds even in the face of disrespect.
I pledge to understand the independence of others and respect their autonomy as it applies to making decisions for themselves.
I pledge to provide my most unbiased, honest opinions regarding subjects of which I am experienced, in order to better the lives of others.
I pledge to provide care beyond diagnosis and design preemptive measures that will help prevent disease and hardship entirely from the beginning.
I pledge to be conscientious of my own flaws, and give thought to the criticisms of others so that I can continue to improve who I am.
I pledge to respond to aggression with calmness and reason so that disagreements can be settled through healthy discussion with hope of resolution that satisfies both parties.
I pledge to guide and build others to improve mental and emotional health in addition to physical remedies.
I pledge to recognize certain boundaries placed by others and to see if we can disassemble them together, and understand when someone chooses to keep these boundaries up as long as they are aware I am here for them.
I pledge to incorporate life’s musical and artistic beauties into my treatment to bring peace in a form most may not expect.
As long as I abide by this oath, may I discover peace and purpose, and may I enter someone’s mind as nothing but a positive memory and reminder of the good in this world. With the incorporation of the ideas of my peers, may we uphold a profession that is trusted and that will continue to remain a source of hope in the often difficult, yet unique experience of life that we all share.
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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