Page 19 - Communication within Today's Modern Hospitality Industry
P. 19

          INTRODUCTION   CONTENTS      ONE       TWO        THREE      FOUR       FIVE        SIX      STUDIES   OF TERMS

           HEADSETS                     REMOTE SPEAKER               BATTERIES                    WIRELESS                      SUMMARY
           AND EARPIECES                MICROPHONES                  AND CHARGERS                 ACCESSORIES

           Hearing and being heard clearly   For workers who regularly    Do your people make a lot of calls,    A maintenance engineer     GETTING THE MOST
           ensures commands are received and   operate machinery, carry   frequently transmit GPS updates   working in a shaft stays in    FROM YOUR RADIO
           actioned without delay. But how can   equipment or climb ladders,   or connect to multiple Bluetooth    communication with his colleague,   COMMUNICATIONS
           you guarantee that happens in noisy   hands-free communication is   devices? And work long shifts   even though his radio remains on   Investing in radios and applications is an
           environments like factories, stadiums   vital. Using a Remote Speaker   too? If so, battery power is going   the surface. A CCTV operator in   excellent way to boost your productivity,
           and outdoor locations? Earpieces   Microphone (RSM) allows users   to be an issue. Your radios are   the control room can move away   efficiency and safety. And to get even more
           fit in or over the ear and allow the   to make and receive calls without   only as reliable as the battery that   from their station but still talk   from your investment, adding the right
           radio user to hear messages while   removing the radio from their   powers them so it makes sense to   to security guards patrolling a   accessories to meet the individual user’s work
           preventing others from eavesdropping   belt. The accessory clips to a   choose products that are proven   shopping centre. How do they do   environment can further enhance benefits.
           or being disturbed by calls. Headsets   collar or lapel, making it easy to   tough and designed for the job.   this? Using Bluetooth wireless   Once you’ve made that investment, you should
           provide a speaker ear-muff on a   access and easier to hear calls. A   Motorola Solutions batteries and   accessories paired with Motorola   consider protecting it. If you’re looking to
           headband with a pad for a secure fit   variety of RSMs are available to   chargers have been developed   Solutions digital two-way radios.   get the very most from your hardware and
           and a microphone on a flexible boom,   meet different needs and counter   as an integral component of our   Going wire-free gives people   software, even when the unexpected happens
           allowing users to make and receive   challenging conditions including   two-way radios for optimum   more freedom to move around   and your communications go down, then
           calls. Ultra light and lightweight   high wind, crowd noise and   performance. A variety of different   and communicate, without the   targeted service and support is the way to go. It
           headsets are ideal for everyday   industrial machinery. Equipping   sizes, capacities and types are   inconvenience of cables that need   can keep your system running at optimal levels
           environments but for noisy locations   your teams with RSMs can also   available to ensure you get the   to be routed through uniforms   day-to-day, and get you up and running again
           you should consider a medium or   help protect your radios as they   power you need to make every   before a work shift and can snag   as quickly as possible if there is a system or
           heavy duty model. Specialist solutions   are removed infrequently so less   moment count.   on equipment. Wireless headsets,   device failure.
           are also available including temple   prone to knocks and falls.                       earpieces and RSMs with discreet
           transducers and tactical headsets that                                                 and covert options can also extend
           can be worn with head and eye                                                          range and boost security.     THREE THINGS
           protection, wireless
           headsets and                                                                                                         TO CONSIDER...
           models designed
           for ATEX radios.                                                                                                     1.  Do your employees have the
                                                                                                                                    accessories they need to optimise
                                                                                                                                    their productivity?
          PROTECTING YOUR INVESTMENT WITH SERVICES                                                                              2.  Could your people work safer with
                                                                                                                                    hands-free accessories?
          Even with the right radios, apps and accessories, there’s always the chance something may go wrong. How ready are you to deal with a network, infrastructure or
          device failure? What implications does downtime have for your operations? And how quickly can you get systems up and running?  3.  How would you keep things running
                                                                                                                                    smoothly if your communication
          We like to assume things will never go wrong. But if they do, it’s good to know you have a service plan in place to protect your hardware and software investment.   system failed?
          We offer Managed Services where day-to-day management of your operations are transferred to experienced  Motorola Solutions Professionals, or Support Services
          providing help and advice if you prefer to handle the situation within your organisation.

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