Page 22 - Communication within Today's Modern Hospitality Industry
P. 22

                                                                                                                                                        OF TERMS
          DIFFERENT PEOPLE.                     MANAGEMENT                             I.T. STAFF                             SECURITY
          It’s important to consider the nature of individual   Focused on business goals    Providing reliable, cost effective   Protecting facilities, assets and people
                                                                                                                              from threats
                                                and profitability
                                                                                       communications for all
          job roles within your business. How do the roles
          and goals of your management team differ   Managers are ultimately responsible for day-to-day   When devices or systems go down, everything   In a volatile and unpredictable world, your security
          from those of your finance or security staff?   operations and safety. They are judged on how   is affected. And the responsibility for providing   teams face immense challenges. Responsible for
          What are individuals looking to gain through   competitive the company is and how profitable   reliable communication tools that work seamlessly   safeguarding facilities and assets while keeping
          communications and how can you help get them   it is. To management, communications have to   lies within the I.T. team. It’s quite a challenge.   workers, clients, guests and the public protected
          there? These are questions which will help you   unify the workforce so everyone has the tools they   They have to recommend new technology that   from threats, they rely on reliable communications.
          decide how much of a role communications needs   need to be as efficient and productive as possible.   fulfills today’s requirements while making sure it’s   Security managers and guards need to be
          to play in your organisation and what the best   Tasks have to be managed precisely so roles can   scalable for the future – and then implement the   connected at all times, wherever they are working,
          solutions are for different people. Let’s take a look   be changed and communicated to cater for spikes   solution with minimal disruption.  I.T. teams will   so they can respond quickly to incidents. Reliable
          at some of these roles.               in demand or unexpected incidents – it’s all about   be looking for communication solutions that are fit   communication with security teams is a vital lifeline
                                                optimising uptime and minimising downtime so the   for purpose, reliable and cost effective. Their goal   that facilitates around the clock, up to the minute
                                                company thrives and customers stay satisfied.  is to balance the needs of the end users, while   monitoring. And discretion and confidentiality
                                                                                       minimising the time they themselves spend on   too so people are not disturbed or alarmed when
                                                                                       fixes and troubleshooting.             incidents are being investigated.

          FRONTLINE EMPLOYEES                   OPERATIONS                             FINANCE                                HEALTH & SAFETY

          Working the day-to-day operations at   Building and coordinating             Balancing the demand for investment with   Responsible for keeping people safe and
          maximum productivity                  efficient processes                    the profitability of the business      regulatory compliance
          What about people on the frontline? The workers   How about the back-room teams that introduce the   Finance have the unenviable task of having to   The safety of employees, customers and visitors
          at ground level that make things happen and rely   processes that streamline end-to-end operations?   balance investment in future-proof, business   is crucial – incidents can have devastating
          on their equipment to get the job done. For these   These people are responsible for creating and   enhancing technology with control of expenditure.   consequences for the individuals involved and
          people, communications is about having the very   implementing a seamless workflow of tasks   That’s challenging in an era of tightening budgets   the organisation through bad publicity, fines and
          latest information at their fingertips so they have   across individuals and teams – and they have to   and greater accountability. So how can unified   prosecution. Health and safety teams must identify
          the confidence to make the right decision in the   demonstrate accountability for meeting deadlines   communications help? One of its main benefits   and control the risks and mitigate the impact,
          moment. If a customer changes an order, they need   too. For them, unified communications has to connect   is creating a more productive workforce, which   ensuring adherence to laws and regulations. Unified
          to know details immediately so they can minimise   everyone, irrespective of device or location, to enable   means a more efficient business and less wastage   communications helps them do this by connecting
          any time wasted. If traffic delays threaten a delivery,   seamless collaboration and coordination. When   of time and money. For finance teams, this eases   people so potential incidents can be identified early
          the driver needs to be notified instantly in order   everyone is connected, work assignments can be   the strain on expenditure and helps them find the   and emergency responses put rapidly into place.
          to reroute and keep the delivery on schedule. And   actioned more efficiently in real-time. Commands   right balance between investment and cost. An   Reliable, robust communications are designed around
          for remote workers, it’s good to know help is just a   are received immediately, misunderstandings and   efficient operation is also more stable and easier   safety and can include automated safety monitoring
          button push away.                     inaccuracies are eliminated and response times   to forecast, an important consideration when   for lone workers and intrinsically safe certification for
                                                optimised. Everyone pulls together to get the job done.     making critical long-term decisions.      potentially explosive environments.

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