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28           International                                                 THE DAILY HERALD, Thursday, March 16, 2017

   DOUMA, Syria--Ziad, a  vides physical and psycho- from the centre because he
   paralysed 14-year-old boy,  logical treatment.   lacks vehicles equipped to
   often stays alone in his    There are an estimated  transport them. Paralysed
   room as bombs fall on Dou- 500 people with spinal in- patients,  often  battling
   ma, the main rebel-strong- juries in eastern Ghouta,  poor mental health, tend
   hold in eastern Ghouta on  almost all casualties of the  to live at home where they
   the outskirts of the Syrian  six-year war. The centre,  feel more comfortable.
   capital Damascus.  currently funded entirely by    “Many people suffer psy-
     Limited in scope, num- donations, can treat 12 pa- chological trauma after an
   ber and size, there are no  tients at a time for a course  injury, which makes them
   nearby shelters equipped  of three to six months.  come late to treatment.
   to receive Ziad who cannot    Khalid Al-Hallaj, a phys- This worsens their condi-
   be moved quickly or easily  iotherapist who runs the  tion and prolongs the time
   during airstrikes because  centre, says obstacles to  it takes to treat them,” he   Ziad (R), 14, who has a spinal cord injury, is pushed on a wheelchair by his friend along a
   of his spinal injuries. “The  rehabilitating patients in  said.  street in Douma, the main rebel-stronghold in eastern Ghouta on the outskirts of Damascus,
   shelters are not ready to  the midst of the conflict are    Unlike most patients, Abu   Syria, February 21, 2017.
   accept people like me,” he  formidable. Supplies are  Zeid lives inside the cen-
   said.             scarce, especially mobility  tre. After his injury, the  minder of what he endured  Zeid now has limited mo-   “The doctors say I will
     Until last year, treatment  chairs and physiotherapy  23-year-old, whose family  and a marked contrast with  bility, can visit the toilet by  walk again, but I need to be
   options were limited for spi- exercise equipment. The  lives in a government-con- his condition today. Having  himself and is even hopeful  patient and exercise a lot,”
   nal patients caught in a bru- makeshift centre also lacks  trolled area, tried to com- received treatment, Abu  he will walk again.  he said.
   tal civil war that has killed  adequate facilities to re- mit suicide as he struggled
   hundreds of thousands of  ceive patients, with only  to cope with extreme physi-
   people and displaced more  one entrance for wheel- cal pain and come to terms
   than 11 million. Now, the  chairs and no safety exits or  with needing help for basic
   Specialist Centre for the  shelters in case of shelling.  self-care.
   Rehabilitation and Care of    Al-Hallaj also struggles    Deep, crater-like scars on
   Spinal Cord Injuries pro- to transfer patients to and  Abu Zeid’s arms are a re-
                                                          BEIRUT--Two  suicide Damascus to the west of  with the sixth anniversary
                                                          bomb attacks killed at least  the first attack causing sev- of the protests that sparked
                                                          31 people and wounded  eral casualties, state media  Syria’s civil war, attackers
                                                          dozens more in Damascus  reported. State news agency  also twice struck the gov-
                                                          on Wednesday, state me- SANA cited the Damascus  ernment-held city of Homs
                                                          dia reported, in the second  police as saying that there  in the past few weeks.
                                                          such spate of bombings in  were 102 injured in the    On Saturday scores of
                                                          the Syrian capital in five  courthouse attack and 28  people, most of them Iraqi
                                                          days.             injured in the restaurant.  Shi’ite pilgrims, were killed
                                                            The first suicide bomber    Analysts who follow Syria  in a double suicide attack
                                                          targeted the Palace of Jus- have predicted that as ji- in Damascus claimed by an
                                                          tice, the main courthouse in  hadist rebels fighting to  alliance of jihadist groups
                                                          central Damascus near the  oust President Bashar al- known as Tahrir al-Sham.
                                                          Old City. Justice Minister  Assad suffer military re- Their military chief, the
                                                          Najem al-Ahmad told re- verses, they will increasing- former al Qaeda leader in
                                                          porters the initial death toll  ly turn to guerrilla attacks  Syria, Abu Mohammad al
                                                          was 31, mostly civilians.  in territory controlled by  Golani, had vowed more
                                                            The second suicide blast  the government. As well as  attacks after claiming mul-
                                                          struck a popular restaurant  the Damascus bombings of  tiple suicide attacks in the
                                                          in the al-Rabweh area of  recent days, which coincide  city of Homs last month.
                                                                                                 The courthouse bomber
                                                                                               set off his explosive device
                                                                                               at 1:20 p.m. as the police
                                                                                               tried to search him and
                                                                                               stop him from entering the
                                                                                               building, state television
                                                                                               cited the Damascus police
                                                                                               chief as saying. Syrian state
                                                                                               television broadcast foot-
                                                                                               age from inside the court-
                                                                                               house showing blood splat-
                                                                                               tered on a floor littered
                                                                                               with papers, a shoe and bro-
                                                                                               ken tiles and stones. Images
                                                                                               from a hospital showed a
                                                                                               man in a suit on a stretcher
                                                                                               with blood on his clothes.
                                                                                                 The explosion hit the court-
                                                                                               house “at a time when the
                                                                                               area is crowded” with law-
                                                                                               yers, judges and civilians,
                                                                                               harming a large number of
                                                                                               people, Ahmed al-Sayyid,
                                                                                               a senior state legal official
                                                                                               told state-run al-Ikhbariya
                                                                                               TV. He later added that 45
                                                                                               people had been wounded.
                                                                                               No further details were im-
                                                                                               mediately available.
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