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THE DAILY HERALD, Thursday, March 16, 2017                           International                       25

   BERLIN--When Emmanuel  tion four months later, when  focuses on the Franco-Ger-
   Macron last visited Berlin  Merkel seems likely to face  man divide. “But this will be
   in January, he was seen as a  stiff competition from Mar- a lengthy process of rebal-
   long shot to win the French  tin Schulz, the Social Demo- ancing and rebuilding the re-
   presidency, and couldn’t  crat who made a career in  lationship. And it has to start
   even get a meeting with  Brussels as a supporter of  with robust reforms of the
   Chancellor Angela Merkel.  closer integration.  French economy.”
     On Thursday, the 39-year-   Even if all the pieces fall    For decades, France and
   old  former  investment into place, German and  Germany were seen as the
   banker returns to the Ger- French officials say it would  “motor” of the European
   man capital as the election  be wrong to expect a sud- Union: if they agreed on a
   frontrunner, with a promise  den, great leap forward that  way forward, then others fol-
   to reinvigorate the Franco- would quell growing doubts  lowed. But the expansion of
                                                          Emmanuel Macron (C), head of the political movement En Marche !, or Forward !, and can-
   German relationship and re- about the future of the EU  the EU to 28 members and
   habilitate a European Union  and its single currency. It  the divergent paths of the   didate for the 2017 French presidential election, smiles during a visit to a qualification class
   hobbled by Brexit, Donald  will take time to forge con- French and German econo-  for refugees of German railway operator Deutsche Bahn in Berlin, Germany January 10, 2017.
   Trump and a tide of anti-EU  sensus between Paris, Berlin  mies over the past decade  in response to Trump could    “He needs to be very quick,”  they could work well with
   populism.         and other member states in  created an imbalance that  restore balance to the rela- Demesmay said. “He needs  Merkel or Schulz as chan-
     This time, Macron will get  an environment where the  impaired their ability to lead. tionship by broadening the  to have delivered by the time  cellor, though they clearly
   his hour with Merkel. But  appetite for “more Europe”    The divide was exacerbated  discussion beyond economic  the new government is in  see the pro-European Social
   can he convince Berlin to  is waning and where devel- by squabbling over policy  issues. Ultimately however,  place in Germany.”  Democrat (SPD) candidate
   sign up to an elusive “grand  opments on the ground can  during the euro zone finan- Macron will need to show    The shape of that govern- as opening up more possibili-
   bargain” on Europe if he  doom the best laid plans of  cial crisis, with Germany  Germany that he means busi- ment will also be key. Ma- ties for change.
   does manage to enter the  the bloc’s biggest states.  - personified by hardline  ness on the reform front.  cron’s people say they believe
   Elysee Palace in May?    “The most important thing  Finance Minister Wolfgang
     The urgency has never been  will be to reestablish a dia- Schaeuble - imposing its vi-
   greater. But the answer will  logue between Paris and  sion of strict fiscal discipline
   depend on whether a presi- Berlin on Europe. A Macron  on the bloc while France
   dent Macron can rebuild  victory would make that pos- grumbled about a lack of vi-
   trust across the Rhine by  sible,” said Jean-Pierre Lan- sion and solidarity. Macron,
   delivering on his economic  dau, a former French central  a centrist independent who
   reform plans.     banker and co-author of the  has overtaken scandal-hit
     It may also hinge on the out- 2016 book “The Euro and  conservative Francois Fillon   JAKARTA--China could pre- jing-based Chinese Centre  findings suggest that adopt-
   come of the German elec- the Battle of Ideas”, which  in the polls and is projected   vent three million premature  for Disease Control and Pre- ing and enforcing tighter air
                                        to beat Marine Le Pen of the   deaths a year if it enforced  vention, said over 350,000  quality standards in China
                                        far-right National Front in a   tighter air quality standards  deaths were recorded in the  will bring about tremendous
                                        second round run-off on May   in accordance with United  38 cities in this period. Based  public health benefits.”
                                        7, wants to put an end to this   Nations guidelines, accord- on this, they said China    PM10, particulate matter
                                        standoff.         ing to a study released on  would save three million pre- produced by traffic and in-
                                          When he spoke in Berlin   Wednesday.  mature deaths each year if its  dustry, can enter the lungs
                                        two months ago, he dis-    The study, published in the  PM10 level was lowered to  and bloodstream. Another
                                        missed the constant sniping   British Medical Journal, ex- the WHO’s recommended  hazardous airborne particle
   BERLIN--Serbian  Prime the EU. All this messy stuff,   with Germany as a dead-end   amined the mortality levels  level.  is the PM2.5, which is smaller
   Minister Aleksandar Vucic  it sends the wrong message   for Europe. “We want a new   and concentrations of the    “This number is likely to be  and lighter.
   on Wednesday warned of se- to the people,” Vucic said.
                                        deal with Germany,” said a   tiny particles known as PM10  a lower bound estimate of    China has been waging a
   rious consequences if the Eu-   Still scarred by wars fought   senior member of Macron’s   in the air in 38 large Chinese  the total number of deaths  war on pollution but its en-
   ropean Union does not give  in the 1990s along political,   team. “If you just talk about   cities between January 2010  related to air pollution be- vironment minister said last
   Western Balkan countries a  ethnic and religious lines, the   euro zone reform or migra-  and June 2013. It found the  cause the air pollution effect  week it still has work to do
   clear message about joining  Balkan countries are at vari-
                                        tion it won’t work. But if you   average PM10 level recorded  can be larger in rural areas  and needed to get companies
   the bloc, citing growing na- ous stages of reforms aimed   talk about the big three to   in these cities during the pe- and PM10 is more detrimen- and local authorities to toe
   tionalism and pro-Russian  at paving the way for mem-  five challenges, you can find   riod was 92.9 micrograms per  tal to human health in the  the line.
   sympathies in the region.  bership, with Serbia seen as a
                                        compromises.”     cubic meter, much higher  long run,” they said. “Our
     He said Britain’s vote to  linchpin whose development
                                          Claire Demesmay, of the   than the World Health Or-
   leave the EU, increasing  could pull up others. Russia,   German Council on For-  ganization’s standard at 20
   conflicts among existing EU  which is trying to exploit its   eign Relations, believes the   micrograms.
   members and Greece’s con- historic links in the region
                                        focus on bolstering Euro-    The researchers, led by
   tinued economic struggles  to challenge EU and U.S.   pean defence cooperation   Maigeng Zhou at the Bei-
   had unsettled many in the  involvement, opposes the
   Balkans, fanning concern  accession of Balkan states
   about how realistic Serbian  into the EU. European lead-
   membership in the EU really  ers said at a summit last
   was.              week more Balkan states
     “You hear these rumours.  could still join the European
   ‘The EU doesn’t want us’.  Union if they stuck to a path
   And then people try to find  of economic and democratic
   something different. That’s  reform.
   something we see as a dan-   Vucic’s centre-right Serbian
   ger,” Vucic told Reuters a  Progressive Party (SNS) last
   day after he met Chancellor  month nominated him to run
   Angela Merkel. “People are  for the largely ceremonial
   becoming more nationalistic,  post of president in a move
   and on a monthly basis you  he said was aimed at shoring
   see a slight decline of EU  up support for Serbia’s stra-
   popularity and a slight rise of  tegic goal of joining the EU
   Russia popularity.”  while maintaining friendly
     He said he urged Merkel  ties with Russia. Vucic un-
   to assert more leadership on  derscored Serbia’s strategic
   the issue of EU membership  goal of joining the EU, but
   for Serbia and its neighbours,  said his country was not seek-
   with an eye to showing the  ing to join NATO and would
   tangible benefits of future  stay neutral militarily, trying
   EU membership, including  to maintain good ties with
   jobs and Western values.  both Russia and the United
   “We need huge support from  States.
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