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20                 Islands                                                 THE DAILY HERALD, Thursday, March 16, 2017

                                                          WILLEMSTAD--A  Cu-   Curaçao also hosted a    The team also highlighted
                                                          raçao team participated  Cocktail  Happy  Hour “Grote Knip,” which was
                                                          in the 36th edition of the  where everybody could en- recognised as the eighth
                                                          tourism showcase (“Vi- joy a moment to network  most beautiful beach in the
                                                          trina Turística”) ANATO  and discuss new ideas and  world, praised by travellers
                                                          held annually in Colombia.  business opportunities. The  worldwide.
                                                          The event was used as a  Colombian media was in-   On the closing day,
    Participants in the programme with Commissioner of Police Paul Morrison and Trainer   platform to expose all the  vited to cover and give ex- ANATO announced that
    Andrew Carr seated centre front.                      island has to offer to whole- posure to the event.  34,000 people had visited
                                                          salers and travel agencies    In terms of dates and im- the event; a 15 per cent
                                                          interested in doing business  portant events, Curaçao  increase compared to last
                                                          with Curaçao.     used the opportunity to  year.
                                                            The team consisting of  speak about Willemstad,    “With this, it’s clear that
                                                          the Curaçao Tourist Board  which will be celebrating  the event was an excellent
                                                          (CTB), tour operators, ho- its 20th anniversary on the  opportunity for the island
   ANGUILLA--During  the building capacity and resil- monwealth Office (FCO)
                                                          tel representatives and hos- UNESCO World Heritage  to showcase itself and the
   past four weeks 39 mem- ience in the RAPF when it  and conducted by Andrew
   bers of the Royal Anguilla  comes to the investigation of  Carr, an ex-police officer   pitality association CHATA  list, and announced that  private sector to engage in
   Police Force (RAPF) have  serious crimes. All investiga- from the Kent Constabulary   had three days to engage  the island will be organising  and close new business op-
   benefitted from training in  tions start from first point of  in the UK. He was part of  attendees. They promoted  various events throughout  portunities,” stated a CTB
   investigation and statement- contact with the Police and it  the Intelligence-led polic- the island’s visitor ameni- the year in celebration of  release.
   taking techniques. There  is important that all officers  ing model adopted first by  ties and services.  this historic moment.
   were four one-week sessions  understand the importance  Kent before being rolled out
   that focused on enhanc- of principles of collecting  across all UK forces in the
   ing and complementing the  and presenting evidence.  1990’s.
   knowledge and experience  The training will no doubt    The programme is one of
   of officers while creating a  assist in ensuring that we  the many that will be de-
                                                          WILLEMSTAD--During a    For salaries an extra NAf.  of good governance?”
   consistent and systematic ap- continue to standardize our  livered to the RAPF in the
                                                          Central Committee meet- 1 million is being request-   Obispo wanted to know
   proach for investigating and  investigation approaches and  coming months that will
   statement taking.  be more systematic in the  be funded by the FCO and   ing, Curaçao’s Parliament  ed, for consultancy fees an  about the impact the two
     Commissioner of Police Paul  collection of evidence during  will include Officer Safety  discussed its own budget  additional NAf. 1 million  Parliamentarians  who
   Morrison said, “This training  such investigations.”  Training, Child Exploitation,  for the year 2018. One of  and for public relations  went independent Eduard
   was geared at improving our    The programme was funded  Investigation training and  the members noted that the  NAf. 0.27 million.  Braam (ex-PAR) and Gas-
   investigators with the aim of  by the Foreign and Com- Mentoring.  legislature is asking for 22.6    The increase has been cal- san Dannawi (ex-MAN)
                                                          million Antillean guilders  culated based on the 2016  have on the budget. Both
                                                          compared to 19.8 million  numbers and also the 2017  now require the same sup-
                                                          this year, an increase of  expenses until March. This  port staff as the various
                                                          NAf. 2.9 million.  is also the reason why Obis- fractions that needs to be
                                                            According to PAR-fraction  po requested an overview  paid. Parliament has anoth-
                                                          member Curtley Obispo,  of what actually took place  er 35 employees on a fixed
                                                          the  MFK/KdNT/PS/MP/ in 2016 and the real num- contract.
   ST. KITTS--Former Minis- themselves.  pher 2 (Central Basseterre)
   ter of Gender Affairs Mar-   “The St. Kitts-Nevis La- and chairperson of the St.   Braam/Dannawi majority  bers until March 2017.    “Every time a member
                                                          wants the people to give    He also asked what the leg- declares him- or herself in-
   cella Liburd is questioning  bour Party wants to advise  Kitts-Nevis Labour Party
                                                          them 2.9 million guilders  islature has accomplished  dependent, this will have an
   the silence of her successor  mothers – especially single  (SKNLP) on Wednesday’s
                                                          more while the economic  since December 23, 2016,  impact on the budget. The
   Senator Wendy Phipps on  mothers and women who  “Issues” programme on
   the latest incident of sexual  live on their own – to take  Freedom 106.5FM and   situation of the island is  up to now. “Parliament’s  people choose for a politi-
                                                          not at its best right now.  real task is to create laws  cal party, not for indepen-
   assault and increasing cas- all available measures to  Kyss 102.5FM.
                                                          He said what they are ask- and to keep a watchful eye  dent Parliamentarians. This
   es of rape in St. Kitts and  protect yourselves and to be    Statistics from the Royal
   Nevis.            sensitive to your environ- St. Christopher and Nevis   ing is to take funds away  on Government’s policies.  issue of having indepen-
     There has been no reac- ment. Try not to walk alone.  Police Force report a near   from other important posts  So my question is, does this  dents is costing us a lot of
                                                          of the national budget to  budget really reflect what  money,” said Obispo.
   tion to date from Senator  Try to walk with other peo- 60 per cent increase in
                                                          cover the cost of running  Parliament does? Does it
   Phipps or Prime Minister  ple, because the situation  crime in 2016 compared
   and Minister of National  has become a serious mat- to 2015 with double- and   Parliament.   comply with the principles
   Security Dr. Timothy Har- ter that women are being  triple-digit increases in
   ris on Monday’s armed rob- violated in this way. This is  crime. Sex crimes including
   bery of a Ross University  not a matter that we should  rape, indecent assault and
   student and the reported  take lightly,” said Liburd,  unlawful carnal knowledge
   rape of a non-student and  the Parliamentary Repre- moved from 36 in 2015 to
   recent warning by the Gov- sentative for St. Christo- 45 in 2016.
   ernments of the United
   Kingdom,  Canada  and                                  ARUBA--Aruba will see  Pullmantur’s Southern Ca- Asjoe. For the future, she
   United States to their citi-                           a bump of just about four- ribbean programme, which  has her eyes on sustainable
   zens visiting St. Kitts and                            teen per cent in cruise traf- will run this summer and  growth.
   Nevis as to the occurrence                             fic for 2017, as the island  is confirmed to be back for    “We will not be able to
   of serious crimes including                            surges to the 750,000 pas- 2018.     grow at 14 per cent a year.
   murder and armed robbery,                              senger mark. “The sum-   Tjin Asjoe said she  We are looking at the ca-
   rape, petty street crime and                           mer months are looking  couldn’t speak for the port  pacity of ships and how
   automobile break-ins and                               strong,” said Ronella Tjin  authority, but future plans  many we can handle at
   burglary.                                              Asjoe, CEO at Aruba Tour- take into account that ships  once while still ensuring a
     “We are yet to hear from                             ism Authority (ATA) in an  are getting larger. Helping  good level of service on the
   the Minister of Gender Af-                             interview with Cruise In- matters now is the move of  island.
   fairs or the Department of                             dustry News.      the cargo facility away from    “The challenge is to figure
   Gender Affairs, even to                                  “One of the objectives for  the cruise terminal since  out to what extent we can
   give some advice and com-  Four students from the Papa Cornes School won Bonaire’s   us is to spread cruise tour- 2016.  grow and accommodate
   fort to women,” said Li-  dictation contest 2017. The Culture Service together with   ism throughout the year.    By June a new Welcome  bigger ships, and also con-
   burd, who added that wom-  “Fundashon Akademia Papiamentu” organised the an-  The opportunity to grow  Plaza will be completed,  tinue to position Aruba as
   en in St. Kitts and Nevis are   nual competition which this time was dedicated to Carlos   comes primarily from grow- showcasing a better organ- an attractive destination for
   living in fear and advised   Nicolaas for his contribution to local literature in the is-  ing the summer season.”  ised cruise port experience  smaller ships, creating that
   them to take all the neces-  land’s mother tongue. A total 218 pupils of groups seven     Aruba has thus benefited  and allowing passengers  balance.”
   sary precaution to secure   and eight at seven primary schools participated.  from the reintroduction of  better flow, advised Tjin
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