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P. 19
THE DAILY HERALD, Thursday, March 16, 2017 Islands 19
WILLEMSTAD--Cura- MAN) now want Govern- reconnect all citizens who
çao’s “new majority” of ment to arrange dental care have been cut off from the
twelve in Parliament ad- within six weeks for every- water network. The govern-
opted no fewer than ten one entitled to medical ment-owned company must
motions during Tuesday’s care under the basic collec- introduce a “Paga Tinu”
plenary session, ranging tive insurance BVZ. At the (pre-payment) system for
from no more addition of same time, Government water and lower its tariffs
fluoride to drinking water should start a campaign for both water and electric-
to the elimination of a NAf. to increase public aware- ity.
1 payment for each doctor’s ness of the importance of To help solve the unem-
prescription and reconnect- proper care of their teeth ployment problem, a mo-
ing people to the water net- and demand Aqualectra to tion has been adopted
work supply. immediately stop the addi- which should make it more
According to the motion tion of fluoride, which can attractive to set up a busi-
in the future fluoride must have other negative conse- ness. In the future, compa- Management held a press conference.
no longer be added to quences for public health. nies must receive all their
drinking water by utilities The problem of persons submitted paperwork back
provider Aqualectra. The whose water has been cut from Government within
reason for doing so years off due to non-payment six weeks. Also, Govern- WILLEMSTAD-InselAir
ago, was to help combat was the basis of another ment must create 1,000 jobs on Wednesday sent out dis-
dental problems that still motion. It says the majority per year. missal letters for some 250
affect approximately 95 per of citizens have a right to To boost the tourism in- employees as a result of the
cent of the population. drinking water and if they dustry, a motion has been ongoing crisis facing the
The fractions of MFK, are deprived of such it af- adopted to exempt all Curaçao-based carrier. The
KdNT, PS and MP plus fects their quality of life products intended for the union UGTK/Cadmu that
independent members and dignity. hospitality industry from is currently seeking repre-
Eduard Braam (ex-PAR) The Council of Ministers Government taxes. sentation of the airline’s
and Gassan Dannawi (ex- is to instruct Aqualectra to maintenance personnel
said it was not informed of
this beforehand.
Since the end of January
2017, the operations and
WILLEMSTAD --The music and laughter, so let’s stated a release. financial position of the The union UGTK/Camdu called an emergency meeting.
“Punda Vibes” event today, do it again!” “Meet and greet the per- company have been severe- plan, including the evalu- have been informed of the
Thursday, in Curaçao will From 5:00pm to 9:00pm sons behind the Plein Air ly affected by the continued ation of potential strategic intentions of the company.
focus on the second week visitors will be able to see movement and feast your grounding of its aircraft by partnerships. As part of the stabilisa-
of the “Plein Air Art Fes- live paintings made and eyes on fresh new paint- the Department of Civil The stay of payment pe- tion plan InselAir has in-
tival.” performed by both interna- ings in the Plein Air Pop-up Aviation of Aruba. riod offers management troduced the announced
According to organisers, tional and regional artists. Gallery next to the Syna- Over that period and as the opportunity to actively reduction in services and
the festival’s Kick-off dur- “Be mesmerised by Carlos gogue. Walk through our part of the stabilisation evaluate and pursue further actions are being taken to
ing Punda Vibes last week Hiller as he brings nature weekly “ART WALK” and plan, the airline says it was possibilities for restructur- secure a return to a normal
was “a wonderful artsy to life on a canvas while support our Local Artists. fully dedicated to efforts ing as well as the search schedule as soon as man-
night filled with great art, dancing to lounge music,” “As you stroll through the in maintaining the highest and the negotiations with agement sees an opportu-
artistic block of Punda, level of service while ensur- a future potential a strate- nity. It is to be noted that
don’t forget to grab a mo- ing the application of the gic partner. The company the airline is observing a
jito, sangria or some wine. highest safety standards. informed the employees of return to a high level of on-
Enjoy some live entertain- Furthermore, it had to con- the retrenchment of 250 time performance.
ment at our several Down- stantly manage the situa- positions. Management during a
town Cafés and Bars. tion with creditors regard- Management says it re- press conference reiterated
“Save a dance for the Tan- ing the arrears due to them. alises the indisputable con- its commitment to offer the
go Night in ‘Hanchi Snoa’ Given all of the above, In- tribution and dedication travelling public a safe and
starting at 8:00pm. Dance selAir had no option but to of the workers involved in improved on-time perfor-
with the Folkloric group seek a moratorium with the building InselAir up in the mance of its planes.
‘Memoria di Kòrsou.’ bankruptcy court, which past decade and regrets to UGTK/Cadmu spokes-
“As always, look up into was granted. This protec- take these measures. How- man Wendell Meulen said
Some 400 of the 500 voting envelopes for the Dutch Second the sky at 8:15pm for Punda tion against bankruptcy will ever, these steps are abso- they learned about pend-
Chamber of Parliament elections distributed in Aruba had Vibes Fireworks. It promis- allow management to focus lutely required for InselAir ing layoffs via the media,
been returned by 11:00am on Wednesday. Some 25 had not es to be fun, so call up your on the further implemen- to continue in the direction but were unaware of the
yet been picked up at the Netherlands Representation Office in friends and we will see you tation of the stabilisation it is heading and to build a amount. The employees
Oranjestad, but the expectation was that most of the persons at Punda Thursday Vibes plan and the development new future again and the want foreign personnel to
involved would still come and fill in their ballot there. Goes Art!” of the required business local authorities concerned be sent home first.
Professor Herbert “Bob” Pinedo received an honorary
doctorate from University of Curaçao Chancellor Francis
de Lanoy for his lifelong contribution to the fight against
cancer. The world-renowned oncologist also founded the
local Prevention Foundation to provide free screening for
breast and cervical cancer.