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THE DAILY HERALD, Thursday, March 16, 2017 Islands/Dutch Kingdom 21
ST. KITTS--Ross University Department, Administrative * DeVry Education Group,
School of Veterinary Medi- Corridor, tel. 869-465-6161 Associate Title IX Coordina-
cine (RUSVM) said addi- (24-hour emergency line) tor, tel. 630-515-5440, e-mail
tional safety measures have * RUSVM Counselling Cen- MKushner@devrygroup.
been introduced following ter, Room 07-121, tel. 869- com
a sexual assault and armed 465-4161 x401-1500 * Royal St. Christopher &
robbery of one of its stu- * RUSVM Health Services, Nevis Police Force, tel. 869-
dents. Room 10-20 (Administrative 465-2241
RUSVM informed its cam- Corridor), tel. 869-465-4161 * Ross University School of
pus community Wednesday x401-1135; After Hours: 869- Veterinary Medicine, De-
of an incident of sexual as- 662-6235 partment of Safety & Secu-
sault and armed robbery * Ethics Point (Anonymous rity, e-mail
of one of Ross’ community reporting) ,
members that took place in www.incidentreporting.ros- 24-hour emergency tel. 1
West Haven, West Farm, lo- (869) 465-6161.
cated a quarter mile west of
Chinese tourists in Volendam. ( photo) campus, at approximately
10:30pm on Monday, March
13, and reported to RUSVM
Security at 12:02am on Tues-
day, March 14.
“Two masked perpetra- ANGUILLA--The Royal Anguilla Police Force
tors entered the residence (RAPF) has arrested a 32-year-old man who was later
of the victim and her male charged with indecent assault. He was taken before the
AMSTERDAM--The suc- flow for Amsterdam has led organising tours to the popu- friend through an open door. Magistrate on Friday, March 10, and was granted bail
cess of “Old Holland,” con- to tour operators handing lar tourist destinations were One of the perpetrators was in the sum of EC $45,000 with one surety. He has to
sisting of the towns of Vo- out rules for tourists so locals given a map, developed by armed with a handgun. After appear in Court on May 23 to answer to the charge.
lendam and Marken with can live in peace, the Parool Amsterdam officials, which the incident, the perpetrators He had to surrender all travel documents and report
the Zaanse Schans open-air newspaper reported. not only shows where to park fled the scene with cash and to the Valley Police Station every Monday and Friday
museum, as a tourist over- This week bus companies and the best times to visit but several valuable items. An as well as not go within 100 feet of the virtual com-
also includes a set of rules for emergency SIREN message plainant and not make any contact either directly or
tourists. These include not was sent to our community indirectly with the complainant.
photographing locals with- as quickly as possible follow-
out permission, not getting ing the incident with limited On Sunday, March 12, the Police arrested 45-year-old
too close to their homes and information available at the Verne O’Flaherty of Stoney Ground and charged him
not dropping litter. time,” the statement said. with possession of cocaine and cannabis. He appeared
AMSTERDAM--Dutch employers’ organisations VNO- “It is confusing for tourists. The statement also report- before the Magistrate on March 14 and was granted
NCW and MKB-Nederland have welcomed the European The Zaanse Schans is like an ed that the RUSVM Safety bail of EC $50,000 with one surety. He is due back in
Court of Justice’s ruling stating employers can determine open-air museum, and visi- & Security Department re- court on April 2. He had to surrender his travel docu-
whether or not headscarves may be worn in the workplace, tors just step into the hous- ceived an unofficial report ments and also has to report to the Valley Police Sta-
the Financieele Dagblad newspaper reported on Wednesday. es,” Zaanse Schans Director Wednesday of a sexual as- tion every Friday.
The European Court ruled that headscarves may be banned Peter-Jan van Steenbergen sault in Camps Bay View of
if this is a part of a broader company ban on visible signs of told the paper. a non-RUSVM community
political, philosophical or religious affiliation. The decision Van Steenbergen said things member Tuesday morning by
was triggered by charges of discrimination in Belgium and have improved since the days two perpetrators of a similar
France. when locals were awakened description.
The Dutch employers’ organisations said the ruling gave by tour guides shouting “We are very concerned
more clarity about what company executives must do if there through megaphones on a about both incidents and the
are problems with employees about how they dress. But, they Sunday morning. The guides well-being of the victims. We
added, its members only rarely had problems about such now use microphones and remind our community of
matters. the tourists are wearing ear the sensitive nature of this
Both organisations said situations involving dress were phones. incident, and we urge every-
mostly settled on the work floor in a discussion between em- The worst offenders are one to respect the victims’
ployer and employee. Religious symbols may not be worn by tourists who come by the privacy. We are working with
people working in the Dutch Courts. busload. “They are only here the police on the Ross inci-
for a short time and tend to dent as it is under investiga-
feel they can do pretty much tion at this time,” said the
anything they like,” Van statement.
Steenbergen was quoted as RUSVM Safety and Secu-
saying. “I talked to someone rity Department has imple-
who opened the curtains in mented additional patrols in
AMSTERDAM--Dutch voting-aid website Kieskompas the morning and found him- the West Farm area including
came under renewed cyber-attack on Wednesday as hackers self staring at nine camera a combination of mobile, K9
sought to take the website offline. lenses. And visitors like to and foot patrols, as well as
The Stemwijzer website was also experiencing problems knock on the wooden walls static observations in areas
because of Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks, of the houses to see if it is where its community mem-
broadcaster NOS said. A DDoS attack involves blasting a really wood. Not very nice bers reside.
website’s servers with so much information that the page if you are sitting inside, of “We remind community
crashes. course,” Van Steenbergen members to be vigilant in
Both companies, which also had problems on Tuesday, have told the paper. taking important safety and
reported the attacks to the police. Meanwhile, tweets with The rules are part of a larger security precautions at all
the hashtag #Nazihollanda were spread by hundreds of Twit- move towards managing the times. If you experience any
ter accounts on Wednesday, including those of the European increasing number of tour- security concern, such as a
parliament, Donald Duck magazine and singer Caro Emer- ists to the area. The Zaanse suspicious person, feeling
ald. Schans windmill park has up unsafe, etc., please do not
Translated, the texts read “#Nazigermany #Nazineth-
to two million visitors a year hesitate to contact the RUS-
erands. This is a taste of the Ottoman clout. See you on April but this number is expected VM Safety & Security De-
16. If you want to know what we have written, learn Turkish.” to grow to three million in partment. In cases of assault,
The tweets were sent by accounts which used the services the next 10 years. Working physical or sexual, RUSVM
of a company known as TwitterCounter, which keeps tweet- with timeslots may be in- encourages you to report it
related statistics. Some 1.6 million people worldwide use the evitable, according to Van and seek counselling assis-
company, which originated in Amsterdam. The company is Steenbergen. tance. Contacts for reporting
investigating the hack and said it has taken immediate steps incidents are as follows:
to block the messages on behalf of its users. * RUSVM Safety & Security