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P. 22
22 Islands/Region THE DAILY HERALD, Thursday, March 16, 2017
PARAMARIBO--Little Cin- Tuesday. ported that Cindy remains in
dy Pierre (7) will likely not The girls disappeared from hospital, sequestered from
return to her father’s home. the village of Alphonsdorp her father and other family
Justice and Police Minister in District Marowijne in members. The girl remains
Jennifer van Dijk-Silos has eastern Suriname, on Sat- under the care of a psycholo-
said that the Court of Guard- urday, March 4. When no gist and a psychiatrist. “She
ianship is taking steps to pro- one could find them, search has explicitly said that she
tect the girl and her physi- parties swarmed out to find does not want to return to
cally challenged sister from them, but they remained un- her father’s home. It is un-
their father. “It has come findable for an entire week. thinkable what horrors the
to our attention that the fa- Cindy (7) then suddenly ap- sisters endured during that
ther regularly threatened peared in the village on Sat- week in the forest, but try
these girls that he would kill urday, March 11, unclothed to imagine what they had to
them,” Van Dijk-Silos said and emaciated. She gave suffer at home to make them Former Premier Ewart Brown (right) has been dogged by several allegations of wrongdoing
(photo credit: Bernews).
on Wednesday. police directions to a loca- want to run away like that,”
Authorities have meanwhile tion where they would find said the Minister.
released their father, grand- the decomposing body of her She said that it is regrettable
father, grandmother and little sister Rehana lying un- that the law does not provide
uncle from custody. The four der a tree. enough mechanisms to pro-
had been arrested shortly af- Cindy explained that they tect children from threats. “I
ter the girls’ disappeared “be- had run into the forest, after will propose an amendment
cause their statements about they overheard “a conversa- to the Criminal Code so that HAMILTON, Bermuda- 2009 to GlobalHue, a com- Royal Golf Course, initially
the disappearances were not tion” between their father children are completely pro-
consistent.” Considering that and grandfather on Satur- tected by law.” A team of -Fresh challenges are loom- pany run by Brown’s friend valued at $7.7 million but
ing for former Bermuda Don Coleman. The Com- ended up costing an extra
it has become clear that Cin- day, March 4, in which the the Court of Guardianship
dy had run away from home grandfather threatened for will carry out investigations Premier Ewart Brown who mission said money would $17.8 million between 2007
with her sister Rehana (4) the umpteenth time that he in the village, which should has been dogged by corrup- have been saved if the con- and 2009; and the Heri-
to get away from their fam- would kill them. Their moth- help in deciding what steps tion allegations. tract was tendered. tage Wharf cruise ship pier
ily, the Prosecutor decided to er passed away a while ago. to take to protect Cindy and A Commission of Inquiry Ambling Consultancy development carried out
release the four relatives on Minister Van Dijk-Silos re- her sister in the meantime. investigating issues raised Firm has also come un- by Correia Construction,
in the Auditor-General’s der the microscope. It was which cost $60 million – $21
report into fiscal years 2009 hired for $3.2 million in million more than the origi-
to 2012, when Brown’s 2008 and 2010 to provide nal contract signed in 2007.
Progressive Labour Party consultancy services for Last November, when
(PLP) was in power, said it planning, engineering and Brown appeared before the
had found “possible crimi- hotels. The Commission Commission of Inquiry, he
nal activity” in five con- said there are no coherent declined to give evidence,
tracts linked to him. records of any services they claiming privilege against
PORT OF SPAIN, Trini- maica, St. Kitts and Nevis, three ILO Instruments ad-
And in a step further, the performed. self-incrimination as police
dad--Representatives from St. Lucia, St. Vincent and opted by its member States: commissioners have re- The Commission also investigations continue.
sixteen Caribbean coun- the Grenadines, Trinidad Recommendation 204 ferred the contracts to po- pointed to the vehicles Brown has been the sub-
tries are in Trinidad and To- and Tobago, Anguilla, concerning the transition
lice for investigation. safety and emissions testing ject of police investigations
bago (March 14-17) to dis- the British Virgin Islands, from informal economy to The commissioners ex- programme given to Ber- into claims of corruption
cuss the extension of social Montserrat and the Turks formal economy, Recom- pressed concern about muda Emissions Control for nearly six years. A civil
protection in the context of and Caicos Islands and mendation 202 concerning
Brown’s involvement in the Ltd (BECL) as Brown’s lawsuit filed by the Ber-
formalisation policies. also includes four Direc- social protection floors and
contracts, which they noted personal choice between muda Government against
Director of the Interna- tor Generals representing ILO Convention 102 con- often involved friends and 2005 and 2009. The former the Lahey Clinic accuses
tional Labour Organization their National Insurance cerning the minimum stan- relatives. premier’s cousin Donal him of ordering excessive
(ILO) Decent Work Team Services. dards for social security.
They also pointed out that Smith was marketing di- and unnecessary diagnostic
and Office for the Carib- The objectives of the Latin America and the
some of the agreements rector for BECL. Dennis tests via his local medical
bean Claudia Coenjaerts Workshop are to: Caribbean has managed to should not have been un- Correia, a close friend of practices.
opened a Caribbean train- * Build capacity of partici- reduce unemployment and der the former Premier’s Brown, was also a director He has dismissed the al-
ing Workshop on the Ex- pants on formalisation poli- increase social protection
portfolio. and shareholder in both legations as politically and
tension of Social Protection cies that have social pro- and wage and salaried em- According to the Royal BECL and Correia Con- racially motivated. ~ Carib-
in the context of formalisa- tection as a main element ployment. However, there Bermuda Gazette, at issue struction. bean360 ~
tion policies. in their design and share are still some 130 million
is a US $14 million adver- Other questionable con-
“Social security extension ILO’s strategies, policies informal workers. Infor-
tising contract awarded in tracts included the Port
strategies should apply to and tools for the extension mality impedes taking ad-
persons both in the formal of social protection and for- vantage of the potential of
and informal economy and malisation; a key sector of the economy
support the growth of for- * Share knowledge amongst where entrepreneurship,
mal employment and the participants about the poli- initiative, resourcefulness,
reduction of informality. cies and practices operating sacrifice and effort are PARAMARIBO--A police had gone to sleep “with one When he returned home,
These policies should be in their respective jurisdic- plentiful. Informality is al- officer shot a burglar to eye open.” however, he noticed blood
consistent with and facili- tions; most always synonymous death Tuesday night. It was after midnight when tracks leading from his
tate the implementation of * Examine success stories with low incomes, job in- The incident happened in he heard someone trying to house to the adjoining
the social, economic and from different regions of stability, lack of social pro- the Santo Boma neighbour- force open the back door. bushes. When he followed
environmental develop- the world that successfully tection, discouragement hood in District Wanica. When he went to inspect, the tracks he found the
ment plans in the spirit of increased social protection and violation of rights. The According to the reports, he saw six men outside who lifeless body of one of the
the 2030 Sustainable De- coverage in the formalisa- rate of non-agricultural in- the burglar was in a team were trying to break into robbers; he had a gunshot
velopment Agenda,” she tion process; formality is 47.7 per cent, of six that had apparently his house. He grabbed his wound to the side of his
said. * Identify target groups for 48 per cent of the self-em- tried to break into a num- service weapon and fired a torso. The crowbar was
The capacity-building and extended social protection ployed are informal, 79 per ber of houses before they shot through the door. He nearby. Apparently this
knowledge-sharing Work- coverage through formali- cent of domestic workers ended up at the wrong one: said he could then see the was the man who had tried
shop is taking place at the sation; and are informal, 33 per cent the house of a policeman. men running away, one of to force open the door. He
Kapok Hotel in Port of * Elaborate national and of the private sector work- Police report that the of- them carrying a crowbar was barefoot and did not
Spain, Trinidad, with par- regional proposals to in- ers are informal and 60 per ficer said when he returned and another a shotgun. He carry identity papers; police
ticipants from Antigua and crease social protection cent of workers in micro- home from work earlier tried to chase them, but say they are still looking for
Barbuda, the Bahamas, coverage in the context of enterprises are informal. ~ that night, he had noticed they got into the same car his accomplices and are in-
Barbados, Belize, Domi- formalisation. Curaçao Chronicle ~ a suspicious vehicle driving he had spotted earlier and vestigating the shooting.
nica, Grenada, Guyana, Ja- Emphasis will be placed on in the neighbourhood and drove off.