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P. 15

THE DAILY HERALD, Thursday, March 16, 2017                                Islands                        15

   ST.  EUSTATIUS--Voters   There were a few persons  Then the green light was giv- to vote had two proxy votes
   came out slowly but at a  outside Statia’s single polling  en to voters as they began to  to cast along with their own
   steady flow to cast their  station at Mike van Putten  cast their votes.  vote.
   votes in Wednesday’s elec- Youth Center (Lions Den)    Between 7:30am and    Among voters were also
   tion for a new Second  waiting to get inside to cast  12:00pm, 165 persons had  two first-timers, who were
   Chamber of the Dutch Par- their vote.  cast their votes. At 5:00pm  very excited to participate in
   liament.            The number of early morn- the vote count went up to  the election for the first time.
     There were 1,875 eli- ing voters was not as large as  310.  They seemed very confident
   gible voters and the same  it usually is for Island Council    During the morning hours  as they placed their ballots in
   amount of voting cards  elections, but those that came  Civil Registry officials Sheryle  the box.
   were sent out to be deliv- out went inside to exercise  Dossett and Jadrie Rietmei-   Some persons on the island
   ered to residents.  their democratic rights.  jer travelled from the Nether- stated that they had not re-
     For the first time a resi-   Members of the voting bu- lands to upgrade the system  ceived their voting cards.   13C:
   dent of St. Eustatius was  reau were ready to go when  and personnel at the Census  They came to the voting bu-  First-time voters Erieenne Brandao (left) and Lenaria
   on the candidates’ list for  the ballot opened at 7:30am.  Office. They were also at the  reau to ask if they could use   Brown casting their ballots and some proxy votes in the
   a seat in the Dutch Parlia- First, they displayed the bal- voting bureau to observe the  their identification or get   Second Chamber election.
   ment’s Second Chamber in  lot box, demonstrating that  voting process. Rietmeijer is  another card at the voting  day, March 14. They were  for their card was able to
   The Hague, namely Island  the ballot box was free and  expected to be on the island  booth.  turned away due to this rule.  carry out their democratic
   Councilman Koos Sneek of  clear and without manipula- for the next seven months.    These persons were sad to    Some voting cards were  rights. Some of these per-
   the Democratic Party (DP)  tion. After the show, the bal-   There was a steady trickling  learn that it would be impos- dropped off at the voting  sons stated that their voting
   who was postulated on the  lot box was locked and place  in of persons who came out to  sible, as the deadline to obtain  bureau on Election Day,  cards were not delivered to
   Christian Democrat CDA’s  at the centre of the room.  vote. Most persons who came  a voting card expired on Tues- but not everyone looking  their homes.
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