Page 110 - Inbound Logistics | April 2017 | Digital Issue
P. 110

IT Toolkit

        the journey that led to incorporat-
        ing Crossbow software was indirect.
        In 2014, his department started seeing
        some stagnation in its mature logistics
        program. After 13 years in place, the
        transportation management program
        had become antiquated.
          “We knew the TMS was not up to
        date,” he says. “And the way our pro-
        gram and company were growing, we
        needed to see what we could do to be
        more efficient.” The company was not
        looking at optimization at that time, but
        the more it investigated TMS programs,   Ben E. Keith distributes more than 11.5 million pounds of food every day. It needed a TMS
        the more it realized a new system was    upgrade to efficiently supply its customers—restaurants, hospitals, schools, nursing
        needed to grow to the next level.   homes, and other institutional businesses.
          “We had conversations with our logis-
        tics managers at the DCs, and from   not figure out where the changes were   “Ben E. Keith is buttoned up man-
        those discussions, we developed a wish   needed to prevent situations when   aging their supply chain,” says Bill
        list for the new TMS,” Stull recalls. “As   one truck would be overloaded while   Michalski, chief solutions officer at
        those discussions evolved, we realized   another truck was empty.   ArrowStream. “It has a process for man-
        we needed a new tool to capture the   “If we could affect the order sizes,  aging inbound freight and everyone is
        freight’s full potential.         we could do a better job of routing   aligned with it. But it was seeing unpre-
          “As we were evaluating the different   the orders,” he adds. “But because we   dictability and volatility, and had a
        systems on the market, we couldn’t find   could not see the whole picture, we   project underway to figure this out. But
        one that addressed our issues,” he says.  would often fix one problem and create   it is not something you can take on man-
        “Ben E. Keith was good at monitoring   two more.”                   ually—there is too much data.”
        progress, but did not have a system to   Ben E. Keith made its TMS choice
        help us make intelligent decisions.”    when it upgraded its software through  Improving Efficiency
                                          a foodservice group that the company   The first thing ArrowStream’s team
        Time for an Upgrade               belongs to. And although the new sys-  did when the companies started work-
          Stull and his DC managers were   tem allowed for load tendering and   ing together was set up a structure to
        searching for a bigger and more action-  certain levels of auto routing for simple   see the inefficiencies. They established
        able picture of their program. With the   loads, it did not have the deep level of   plans for the freight lanes and began
        old TMS, in order to retrieve data to   optimization the group needed.  measuring the buyers’ adherence to
        make decisions, for example, the com-  Then Mike Roach, who was president   those plans. That was crucial because
        pany needed to download data into   of the company at the time, happened   it offered the metrics to measure the
        spreadsheets and sift through a lot   to visit with ArrowStream at an industry   impact on freight costs.
        of information.                   trade show, and started the discussion   Then they looked at what they could
          Stull and his team were frustrated   about Crossbow, the new Software-as-a-  do to create freight efficiency. This is
        because by the time they came up with   Service (SaaS) technology ArrowStream   the ongoing part of utilizing the soft-
        a productive idea, it was already out-  had developed.              ware. For example, Ben E. Keith had a
        dated. The team needed a way to access   Stull’s  search  was  unexpectedly   set of vendors with perishable products
        the data in real time, and be able to take   over. “We found out ArrowStream was   and one-way moves with varying vol-
        immediate action based on that data.  thinking along the same lines as we   umes. Using the information Crossbow
        They also wanted a centralized view so   were about load optimization, so from   extracted and compiled, they changed
        the general office could offer help to   the beginning, it was a natural fit,”  the configuration of the loads and routes
        the DCs.                          Stull says. “Crossbow concentrates on   for those vendors and were able to take
          The company needed a bird’s eye   inbound logistics and food service. The   20 percent of the trucks off the road.
        view of all its moving parts. “We do a lot   platform sits on top of the TMS, so we   “We can group vendors into super
        of load consolidations,” Stull explains.  could integrate it without turning our   vendors, and then sit down with pur-
        “Our networks are big, and we could   operation upside down.”       chasing to discuss the merits of

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