Page 113 - Inbound Logistics | April 2017 | Digital Issue
P. 113
3PL Central
TITLE: How 3PL Warehouses Can Profit From 5 Challenges in 2017
SUMMARY: With its many changes and challenges, it’s no secret that 2017 will be
a momentous year for the 3PL warehousing industry. But along with
great change comes new opportunities. To help you navigate the year
ahead, download 3PL Central’s free eBook, How 3PL Warehouses Can
Profit From 5 Challenges in 2017.
United Fresh Produce Association
TITLE: Recall Resource Guide
SUMMARY: This whitepaper was designed to help the produce industry better
prepare for potential recall events. This resource provides a general
overview and outline, explaining why it’s critical for companies to
have a recall plan; the basic components of a recall plan and response
processes; how a recall plan differs from a food safety plan and
traceability; and also offers additional recall-related resources.
SEKO Logistics
TITLE: Supply Chain Visibility
SUMMARY: The emergence of supply chain software providers in the cloud that
span the entire supply chain is happening now. This shift will provide the
smaller hard goods manufacturers and distributors more efficient and
collaborative supply chains, which ultimately lower cost and increase
TITLE: Bans and Restrictions in Global Trade
SUMMARY: Companies that manage supply chains across borders need to consider
numerous global trade regulations. AEB, a provider of software and
services for global trade and supply chain management, offers this
new whitepaper, providing an overview of the most common bans
and restrictions. It also provides tips for automating and simplifying
screening processes through manual restrictions.
TITLE: Find the Money: How a Transportation Spend Diagram Can Help
SUMMARY: Transportation leaders look for ways to reduce costs while improving
service levels as they conduct strategic assessments or solution
designs. In this whitepaper, you’ll learn how developing a simple, one-
page transportation spend diagram at the beginning of your strategic
assessment will identify savings opportunities throughout your
transportation operations.
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April 2017 • Inbound Logistics 111