Page 117 - Inbound Logistics | April 2017 | Digital Issue
P. 117
machinery and engines, autos,
pharmaceuticals, and footwear. The
Milan-Miami service, a 14-day transit,
is CaroTrans’ fourth direct service
from Milan to the United States.
Crowley Maritime's liner services
group expanded its ocean container
transportation services by adding
a weekly sailing connecting
Jacksonville and Port Everglades,
Fla., more directly with Manzanillo,
Panama. Two Crowley 1,100-TEU
containerships now alternate
carrying cargo southbound from
Jacksonville on Thursday and Port
Conveying systems maker BEUMER Group unveiled its new Everglades on Friday before arriving
stretch hood high-capacity system. The machine series offers higher in Kingston, Jamaica, on Sunday;
throughput, and gentle transport of the film in the system. It also Limon, Costa Rica, on Tuesday; and
requires 40-percent less floor space than older systems. In addition, Manzanillo on Thursday.
its opening hood lets workers in retail stores and logistics centers
quickly remove the film when unpacking or repacking the goods,
without using any cutting tools. // Technology //
FR8 Revolution, a developer
of cloud-based tools for freight
Online marketplace BuildDirect // Transportation // transportation, launched the
opened its global supply chain FR8Star Heavy Haul Marketplace at
platform for heavyweight goods, DHL Global Forwarding, the air FR8Star’s marketplace
giving any third party the ability to and ocean freight division within includes a rate calculator for pricing
access its network for any part of Deutsche Post DHL Group, started oversize/overweight loads. Shippers
the shipping process, from point a direct LCL service from New York of these loads can get pricing
of manufacture through last-mile to Cartagena, Colombia. DHL’s estimates and shipping routes, and
delivery. The platform provides LCL offering allows U.S. exporters request quotes directly from carriers.
options for delivering heavyweight and Colombian importers to ship Shippers and carriers complete
products from anywhere in the cargo from New York directly, rather their contract directly through the
world to homes across North than routing via Miami. The weekly platform.
America. service offers a nine-day transit
from New York to Cartagena, a key Kenco Logistics teamed up with
Averitt Express now provides entrance point for petrochemicals mobile solutions provider Smart
single due date delivery service to and agricultural commodities. Gladiator to roll out a new mobile
help retail suppliers meet product app that increases supply chain
delivery windows to distribution CaroTrans, a global non-vessel- visibility. Available at,
centers and stores. The freight operating common carrier and LoadProof is an image-capture app
transportation provider offers the ocean freight consolidator, started a that lets warehouse workers, truck
option as a standard service with no direct weekly LCL service from Milan drivers, supervisors, and others
upcharges. to Miami. Main U.S. imports from involved in shipping and receiving to
Italy include beverages, industrial photograph shipments and instantly
116 Inbound Logistics • April 2017