Page 12 - Inbound Logistics | April 2017 | Digital Issue
P. 12

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        SOUNDBITE                                                                EXCHANGE
                             “  The logistics and supply chain field is
                             dynamic, fast-growing, and ripe with           Using Network Optimization
                             opportunity. And yet, women are                Technology to Enable Your Lean
                                                                            Supply Chain
                             underrepresented. As a people-powered          Companies need to frequently
                             business, we believe that supporting young     reevaluate their supply chain networks.
                             women who seek to study and ultimately         With network optimization software,
                             join our industry is a win for employers,      they can examine the total supply chain—
                                                                            from manufacturing and suppliers
                             their customers, and the students              through warehouses and distribution
                             themselves. Forging women’s advancement        centers, all the way to distributors and
                             starts by giving women more opportunity in     end customers.
                             the classroom. ”                                                Jeanine Manning

               — JILLIAN LEE, vice president of human resources, AFN, a third-party logistics   This is an excellent article on how
                                                                                     shippers can use technology,
              provider, which launched scholarship programs for women at Indiana University’s   transportation expertise, and
                              Kelley School of Business and Michigan State University’s
                        Eli Broad College of Business, starting with the 2017 fall semester.  advanced analytics to tap into the
                                                                               area of their supply chain that houses
                                                                              80 percent of their supply chain costs.
             READER EMAIL                 in our own custom packaging business,         Have you evaluated your
                                          all four of his kids have tried our best to     supply chain recently?
                                          mimic his leadership style.
        Good Question: Who would be on your   Since many manufacturers have left
        Mount Rushmore of transportation
        and logistics visionaries?        California, and the United States in          general, we have worked to transition
                                          our business and focus on inbound
          A good friend passed along a copy   materials from Asia bound for the
        of your “Mount Rushmore of Logistics/  retail club stores: blister packs, sealing
        Transportation Visionaries” piece, and   equipment, etc. Never thought we would
        it was so nice to see my father, L. L.   be here. We will read your magazine as
        Rodberg, recognized as a piece of the   I’m sure we can learn something more
        rock—27 years after his passing.   about the inbound supply chain.       HASH IT OUT
          Larry was a great guy and someone I         Tom Rodberg, President,
        wish everybody could have met. He was                Eden Outsource
        a tough act to follow, but after 30 years                           @ILMagazine
                                                                            The Bionic Warehouse: Combining
                                                                            the right tools with the right people
                                                                            produces super-human results.
          HOT TOPICS | IL articles getting the most impressions on LinkedIn:
          Global Trade Changes Course: • Expect the Best, Plan
          for the Worst & Prepare to Be Surprised: • The Back &   WBS Group @WBSGroup_Ltd
          Forth of Reverse Logistics: • How Ariens Weathers   No matter how much technology
          Seasonal Demand: • Hardware Upgrade Unwraps DC   you bring into a warehouse, it takes
          Improvements:                                  people—working hard and smart—to
                                                                                     make the operation succeed.

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