Page 14 - Inbound Logistics | April 2017 | Digital Issue
P. 14

Good Question…


        What movie/TV show/song title

        best describes your job?

        “A Hard Day’s Night” by the Beatles.   Fast and Furious! Considering
        It perfectly sums up my job because   the rapid rate at which our
        helping build a company in such a   industry evolves, in addition to
        fast-paced industry inherently has its   exponential advancements in
        difficulties, which usually have me   technology and automation,
        working long days that turn into nights.   it is crucial to keep pace with
        I enjoy my job and love the complex   industry trends.
        nature of the business, but I can                      Tom Poduch      It’s All an
        confidently say each day is harder than     Director of Logistics Design
        the last.                                         Transervice Logistics  Allusion
                         Brendan Isaacson                                      Our LinkedIn followers pick the flick or
                      Director of Operations                                   set the tune for their working lives:
                               HaulHound   “World Turning” by Fleetwood Mac
                                          because our main goal every day is to   Cast Away
                                          ensure supply chain challenges never   I try to keep customers happy,
        “Pure Grinding” by Avicii. That’s what   get in the way of our clients’ business   even when the worst happens.
        is required to get the job done.  goals. In short, we have to keep their
                            Laurie Skelton  world turning.                    “Working Man” by Rush
                  MTO Inventory Coordinator                    Jordan Mock    Yes, I’m workin’ all the time.
                                The Brick            Director of Global Logistics
                                                         AGT Global Logistics
                                                                               Run Lola Run
                                                                               It’s a hectic life when it comes to
        The Right Stuff—probably one of the                                    supply chain management.
        greatest movies of the 80s. It’s about   “With a Little Help from My Friends”
        Chuck Yeager and the first Mercury   by the Beatles. Because you can’t do   Planes, Trains and Automobiles
        astronauts including John Glenn, Alan   this job without your colleagues.  Because you have to get it there.
        Shepard, Gordon Cooper, and Virgil                  Andrew Nichols
        “Gus” Grissom—hands down one                     Head of Procurement   Man vs. Wild
        of my favorite movies. For starters,               Tungsten Network    We’re pitted against
        the title reminds me of the team I am                                  the elements.
        surrounded with, but also the plot
        has some interesting parallels. Our                                    Groundhog Day
        team has a strong vision and we know     HAVE A GREAT ANSWER           Delivering—over and over again.
        what our destination is. We have a lot   TO A GOOD QUESTION?
        of challenges ahead that will require      Be sure to participate next month.    The Office
        courage, teamwork, and leadership.                   We want to know:  Workday wackiness aside, we
        Just like in the movie, we will probably   IoT: How do you think it    move paper.
        have to push the envelope.                   will affect your job?
                        William Goodgion                 And how soon?        “Welcome to the Jungle” by
                                President                                      Guns N’ Roses
                      Ascent Global Logistics           We’ll publish some answers.    We take it day by day.
                                             Tell us at or
                                               tweet us @ILMagazine #ILgoodquestion

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