Page 34 - Inbound Logistics | April 2017 | Digital Issue
P. 34

                     THE WORLD AT A GLANCE

        Can Forwarders Survive an App Attack?

          With rumors that Uber and Amazon  He outlines three
        may be about to launch their own  reasons why:
        global freight brokerage businesses,  1.  Resilience. “I
        traditional forwarders and brokers  have been working
        are understandably nervous. But the  in the industry for
        British International Freight Association  more than 40 years
        (BIFA) reacts to current speculation by  and have watched
        underlining “the vastly challenging and  the naysayers and
        circuitous landscape” that forwarders   doom mongers in
        and brokers operate in daily.     the media, and the
          Uber has already soft-launched Uber  wider industry, pre-
        Freight, notes the trade association   dict the demise of
        for UK freight forwarders. And, the  forwarders and bro-
        company has ambitions to cut out  kers, only for them to have been proven  ‘architects of the supply chain’ and for
        freight intermediaries by introducing  wrong,” he says. “In fact, the opposite   good reason, too,” he explains. “They
        load-matching apps that would provide  is true. We have more forwarders now  understand the intricacies of the
        real-time pricing, according to Business  than ever before.”        mosaic-like supply chain frameworks
        Insider UK. Smaller start-ups such as  2.  Complexity. “Freight industry sup-  that exist.  And, most importantly, they
        Cargomatic, Convoy, and CargoX share  ply chains are highly complex and  have acquired knowledge, experience,
        the same idea.                    multi-layered,” Keen notes. “I find it  and agility over the decades that the
          Amazon recently unveiled plans  hard to believe that there is an algo-  tech startups will find almost impossi-
        to build a worldwide services hub in  rithm that can successfully absorb,  ble to match.
        the U.S. Midwest, and has acquired  understand, and counter all the chal-  “How will they cope, for instance,
        thousands of its own trucks, which  lenges that forwarders face every day.  when a truck carrying expensive and
        may hint at its plan to take on brokers  How, for example, does an app react  time-sensitive cargo breaks down?” he
        and forwarders.                   to freak weather and negotiate cus-  adds. “Who will arrange for a replace-
          But traditional forwarders and  toms issues?”                     ment truck? And who will guarantee the
        brokers have nothing to fear, notes  3.  Trust and confidence. “Freight  load? Many of these questions cannot
        BIFA Director General Robert Keen.  forwarders are often described as the  be suitably solved by an app alone.”

        Where Global Logistics Brands Stand

          UPS remains the world’s most  The consultancy uses brand strength  “United Problem Solvers” strategy
        valuable logistics brand at US$22 billion,  to determine what proportion of a busi-  intended to position UPS as not only a
        while TNT Express’s brand value  ness’s revenue the brand contributes,  delivery service, but also a go-to service
        dropped 42 percent, making it the  then projects that into perpetuity to  to help companies achieve business goals
        fastest-falling brand in 2017. That’s   determine the brand’s value.  or overcome hurdles.
        according to valuation and strategy   Not only is UPS the most valuable   Though still in second place, FedEx’s
        consultancy Brand Finance, which  logistics brand, it is also the most  brand value grew by 31 percent. The
        values the brands of thousands of the  powerful. The company recently  company increased its spending to
        world’s biggest companies.        invested in 14 Boeing 747s, in addition to  US$5.1 billion for the year starting June
          The company first evaluates brands to   smaller aircraft, as it joins Amazon in the  1, 2016 to update its aircraft fleet and to
        determine their power/strength (based  race toward drone deliveries. UPS rolled  facilitate e-commerce growth.
        on factors such as marketing investment,  out its “What’s Your Story?” campaign   FedEx also recently handed its UEFA
        familiarity, loyalty, staff satisfaction, and  in March 2016 to further develop  Europa League sponsorship assets to
        corporate reputation) and assigns a cor-  its relationship with small business  the UEFA Foundation and the Street
        responding letter grade up to AAA+.  customers. This forms part of its broader  League children’s charity to give more

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