Page 50 - Inbound Logistics | April 2017 | Digital Issue
P. 50
Supply Chain Challenge?
Auditing Beyond Compliance
Evaluating the continuing alignment of customer requirements, acceptable associated
risk and service provider capability.
ProTrans’ customer, a global leader damage/cosmetic specifi-
in safety technology, requested cor- cations: Customer-specific MATERIAL
rective action to resolve potential packaging cosmetic (i.e. supplier packaging)
damages observed on arriving ship- criteria was found to be CUSTOMER SPECS
(aligned with CUSTOMER
ments. This “Voice of the Customer” greatly different from ProTrans’ capability?) PROCESS EXPECTATION
provides valuable input in ProTrans’ ProTrans’ typical cus- MANPOWER Handling of Freight & packaging
continuous improvement program tomer requirements (i.e. METHODS
and regardless of root cause, the res- shipping box cosmetic EQUIPMENT
olution of a complaint plays a role creases or box scratches
in strengthening the customer-busi- resulting from typical Supplier Final
ness relationship. freight movement). packaging Carrier Destination
An audit of core input elements: n ■ Reduced time consumed: criteria
Measurement of
Material, Customer Specifications, Greatly reduced email/ compatible with the success compatible
Manpower, Methods and Equipment phone discussions customer expectations? Aligned? with process criteria?
plus observation of arriving freight for regarding customer
two months revealed the majority of dock inspections. Ref: “Auditing Beyond Compliance” – publisher ASQ/Quality Press
damage observations pointed to the
packaging configuration from three RESULT: Once the criteria were
customer suppliers (i.e. dilapidated pal- clarified to align customer expecta- DAMAGES BEFORE AFTER
lets, improper shrink wrap, un-taped tions versus the handling associated
flaps torn during freight movement). with the freight movement and suppli- SUPPLIER A 20% 6%
ers’ improved packaging, our customer
THE SOLUTION experienced a substantial decrease in SUPPLIER B 15% 5%
Once the problem was identified observed damages as well as a reduc-
ProTrans selected the ‘vital few’ – those tion in personnel time associated with SUPPLIER C 13% 5%
with the most significant impact on the dock inspections.
expected output to audit.
n ■ Improved packaging: After noti- LESSONS LEARNED: A problem
fication, these suppliers made needs to be identified to find the true
modifications and showed signifi- root cause. Root cause analysis must
cant improvement. explore all aspects so an efficient and To learn more about ProTrans’ solutions
effective action plan may be deployed. call 317-240-4100 or visit
48 Inbound Logistics • April 2017
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