Page 46 - Inbound Logistics | April 2017 | Digital Issue
P. 46


                                                                               BY JEAN-PIERRE GERONIMI
                                                       Jean-Pierre Geronimi is Director, Global Trade Academy, Amber Road
                                                       | 609-896-2020

          5 Ways to Cut the Risk of Cargo Theft

                   isk models provide a key advantage to firms operating     3.	Identify and manage all
                   globally, and are the first step in identifying key trade   business partners. Primary and
          R lanes, business partners, and the areas most likely to         secondary business partners are
                                                                           often easy to identify. However,
           cause harm. The more you know, the easier it is to manage       service agents often subcontract.
           the risk.                                                       Best practices in this area include
                                                                           auditing service providers and the
             While risk modeling is an important   Typical firms address the most glar-  procedures they have in place for
           part of the Customs-Trade Partnership   ing security needs, such as physical   choosing subcontractors.
           Against Terrorism (C-TPAT), few com-  and access controls. Yet often, while   4.	 Manage the routing. Direct
           panies use the information to identify   the front door is locked, the back-  routing may not always be possi-
           threats within their supply chain by   door staging area is rife with access   ble. When it isn’t, does your team
           trade lane, and their vulnerability   points for unscrupulous agents.  know how the cargo is arriving?
           against those threats. Part of threat   To reduce risk, follow these five   Firms with advanced cargo security
           analysis includes how the shipment is   sound security practices.  programs monitor everything from
           routed,  the number of stops it makes,   1.	Know the minimum security   the routing of product to managing
           and identifying each player in the sup-  guidelines. C-TPAT is a trust and ver-  the transit time. Taking measures
           ply chain.                      ify program with U.S. Customs and   to control product routing reduces
                                           Border Protection (CBP) validations   the risk of loss while the product is
           What’s Working,                 occurring every three to four years.  in transit.
           What’s Not?                     Many firms flunk the annual train-  5.	Automate for greater visibil-
             In 2017, the C-TPAT will celebrate   ing and brush up their program in   ity. A holistic approach to cargo
           its 15th year. It was the first program   advance of a CBP validation meeting.  security includes the ability to
           to formally present minimum security   Be prepared with ongoing training   see your product at all stages of
           guidelines for U.S. importers. It   and monitoring.             transportation and distribution.
           later expanded to include exporters,   2.	Update your risk model. Risks   Updating automation capabilities
           and became the catalyst for similar   within supply chains change, even if   to include visibility from the sup-
           programs around the world.      your trade lanes don’t. At a minimum,  plier to your warehouse is critical to
             Yet in 2016, cargo theft topped   an annual risk model review is neces-  managing risk and monitoring busi-
           $26 billion, according to the British   sary to consider where you conduct   ness partners.
           Standards Institute, and the long-  business, and any changes that may   These five steps, along with a
           standing trends of drug smuggling,  cause your firm to be a target. Best   program to fully implement C-TPAT
           human trafficking, and phishing   practices include risk model reviews   minimum security guidelines, will
           scams are as prevalent today as they   more frequently, ideally at least once   help reduce your risk of cargo theft
           were 15 years ago.              every quarter.                  or loss.                    n

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