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                                                                         Brad Hollister, is Executive Vice President, ClearView Audit ,
                                                                                   855-737-3444 •

               TMS Launches New Era: Control Tower Visibility

                  t wasn’t long ago that top executives around the world   service, vendor compliance and freight accrual can greatly
                  had to be convinced why they needed accounting   influence every aspect of a company’s operations–from which
                  software to run their companies. Today it is unthinkable of   vendors products are purchased from to the policies for how
               Iany company operating without accounting software to   salespeople mark up freight. The possibilities of what can be
               manage their company’s finances.                done with live data are infinite as a business experiences real-
                 The importance of technology in shipping is starting   time visibility from a centralized control tower.
               to reach this same critical point for most shippers. The   Perhaps the most important benefit from centralized
               transportation management system (TMS) was born at a   control tower visibility of the supply chain is the level of flex-
               time of the perfect storm for any industry. In the United   ibility that comes as a result of real-time analytics and alerts.
               States, deregulation and adoption of computers arrived   The centralized control tower allows for a robust provider
               simultaneously. Shippers were suddenly able to consider   network that enables shippers to become agnostic in the
               multiple carriers for the same lane and use basic technology   decision of who actually hauls the freight. Many shippers
               to assign carriers to shipments. The TMS industry was created   have used a singular 3PL network as their coping mechanism
               with the idea to execute one critical function: Make a label to   for achieving centralized visibility. Is one of your locations
               get the freight off the dock.                   suddenly experiencing service issues to Canada? View the
                 Thirty years later, the core functionality of TMS systems has   other providers in the market and consider “what-if” results if
               changed very little. The current TMS market leaders operate   you had utilized services of companies not part of your cur-
               in much the same way today as during the birth of the TMS   rently active providers. Centralized control tower visibility
               industry 30 years ago. Many legacy technology platforms sim-  makes the exclusion of under-performing providers as well
               ply route the shipment to the provider according to the “rules”   as inclusion of new providers a real-time function in the next
               manually entered into a static table. Mission accomplished (get   generation of TMS technologies.
               freight off the dock). Little regard is given to dynamic planning   The industry is entering an era where the current state of
               prior to the shipment nor visibility after the shipment docu-  legacy TMS technology as we know it is approaching the
               ment is created (parcel label or BOL for freight).  end of its lifecycle. To further complicate the topic, most ERP
                 Shippers today are beginning to pinpoint the future   companies now offer their own TMS systems, which equate
               functionality needed to modernize and automate their sup-  to little more than simply generating a shipping document,
               ply chains. Large shippers with complex supply chains are   and get freight off the dock. The gap between the needs of
               aware that different business units within their company   shippers and TMS providers’ capabilities is rapidly widening
               are extremely isolated and operating independently across   by the day. It will be interesting to watch and see if the leg-
               business segments. Users at one facility process shipments   acy TMS companies that have defined TMS technology begin
               differently than users at another location. Executives over-  to rebuild their fragile infrastructures to accommodate the
               seeing multiple shipping locations need centralized visibility   artificial intelligence demanded in tomorrow’s supply chains,
               into all locations. Shippers demand centralized control and   or whether they will acquire companies with cutting-edge
               visibility of their supply chain in real time. Shippers demand   technology architecture as a means of staying relevant.
               a control tower.                                  While the latter seems more likely, the real-time, centralized
                 A control tower that offers visibility of worldwide shipping   control tower demands of shippers and legacy table based
               across all modes of transportation, all vendors, across all   label making are about to collide as existing IT infrastructures
               business locations, down to the user level will be the objective   are pushed to their limits to keep up with real-time visibility
               of the next generation of TMS systems. The effects of real-  of all shipping events across all worldwide shipping loca-
               time supply chain data have potential for tremendous impact   tions. Your next TMS will soon serve as your company’s control
               upon a business. Analyzing real-time visibility of carrier   tower with widespread visibility across all departments in your
               performance, routing exceptions, shipping errors, customer   organization.

                                                                                      April 2017 • Inbound Logistics  39

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