Page 42 - Inbound Logistics | April 2017 | Digital Issue
P. 42


                                                                                     BY ROEI GANzARSKI
                                                                        Roei Ganzarski is President and CEO, BoldIQ,
                                                                      | 206-304-8129

          3 Steps to a Demand-Driven Supply Chain

                  he on-demand economy means customers expect              identify the inefficiencies and
                  instant gratification via immediate access and con-      constraints. With interruptions to
          T venient delivery options. Companies must adapt and             staff availability, changing shift
                                                                           schedules and demand, as well
           start optimizing their supply chains to stay competitive.       as regulatory and operational
                                                                           constraints happening each day,
             Many companies are still supply   large time windows to allow more   businesses must be able to quickly
           driven, constrained by resource   perceived flexibility. This model is   adapt. Resource optimization can
           capacit y, archaic scheduling   not sustainable.                adjust accordingly and also take
           technologies, and inefficient decision-  What if the company’s supply   into consideration issues such as
           making. Typically, these businesses   chain was optimized to handle   required breaks, logical shift plan-
           match  demand by increasing     random ad-hoc same-day orders,  ning, and who can best cover when
           the supply and infrastructure to   completing all the deliveries with   an employee calls in sick.
           support it. To become demand-   fewer trucks within accurate time   3.	Prepare for disruptions. Being
           driven, companies must consider   windows? Leveraging data with   able to adapt to any disruption keeps
           three actions:                  dynamic real-time optimization,  a business operating smoothly and
             1.	Leverage real-time data. Data   companies can consider all factors   efficiently. No matter the size of the
           is key to providing valuable insights   and determine what truck should   disruption, the financial impact can
           into what is working in the supply   take new deliveries while also keeping   be severe for a company with a sup-
           chain and what can be improved.  the rest of its previously scheduled   ply chain that isn’t optimized and
           Analyzing data in real time can   orders on time.               prepared to react in real time.
           help answer the most critical ques-  2.	Optimize staff. Having the right   The key is making the sup-
           tion: ‘What do I do now?’ Dynamic   person at the right time is crucial for   ply chain nimble and able to react
           real-time optimization of the supply   employers. Many organizations often   quickly with an actionable plan when
           chain enables companies to use data   understaff, overstaff, or assign one   (not if) a disruption occurs—mitigat-
           to make rapid decisions and create   person to a task when another is bet-  ing as much risk and financial loss
           actionable plans by taking all aspects   ter suited, impacting productivity and   as possible.
           into account.                   customer service.                 If businesses leverage data to its
             For example, a same-day grocery   Just as a company may overbuy   fullest potential, converting it in
           delivery service may have extra   delivery trucks to have on hand for   real time to actionable operating
           delivery trucks on standby, ready   surge times, it also tends to have   plans, they could see a significant
           for an influx of orders, to ensure it   more employees than necessary for   reduction in operating costs and
           meets ad-hoc demand and delivery   the same reason.             resources, while also increasing
           timeframes. Or alternatively it tries   Companies can do more with   customer satisfaction and improving
           to ‘box’ its delivery schedules with   fewer employees if they properly   the bottom line.    n

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