Page 72 - Inbound Logistics | April 2017 | Digital Issue
P. 72

move off to be charged on their own,”
                                                                            Schultz says. If the workload surges, the
                                                                            system might command a robot to get
                                                                            just a top-off, rather than a full charge,
                                                                            so it can return to work quickly.
                                                                              “We also have the ability to moni-
                                                                            tor the status of the robots remotely,”
                                                                            Schultz says. If a problem appears—for
                                                                            instance, if a slowdown in the facili-
                                                                            ty’s network infrastructure affects the
                                                                            robots—often Swisslog can put a solu-
                                                                            tion in place before the customer even
                                                                            knows there’s anything wrong.

                                                                            Lift Truck Network
                                                                              Collecting data from sensors to mon-
                                                                            itor activities in real time is valuable, of
                                                                            course. But the power of IoT doesn’t lie
                                                                            just in tracking a collection of discrete
                                                                            units, such as lift trucks in a warehouse.
        Robots with transport and lifting functionality operate Swisslog’s AutoStore system.   “It’s the interaction between the sen-
        Equipped with a lift, robots retrieve the required bins from the AutoStore grid and present
        them at integrated picking stations, led by a controls and location management system.    sors, the server, and other servers that
                                                                            bring the whole Internet of Things to
        Robots on the Grid                orders from an order management sys-  bear,” says Neil O’Connell, senior vice
          At Radwell International in     tem or WMS, and transmits it to the   president, technology, innovation and
        Willingboro, N.J., the “things” that   robots to let them know which prod-  product development at TotalTrax in
        communicate over the Internet include   ucts they’ll be picking in the coming   Newport, Del. “The network effect is
        34 robots that swarm across a three-  hours. The robots move those products   greater than any one thing inside it.”
        dimensional storage grid, putting away   into more accessible positions before   The TotalTrax SX/VX Advanced
        and picking product. The AutoStore   the busy period arrives.       Telematics Platform uses sensors on
        robotic system comes from Swisslog, a   Schultz compares this process to   lift trucks to capture data on factors
        Swiss firm with U.S. headquarters for  Waze, a trip-routing service that uses   such as motion, distance and direction
        its warehouse distribution systems in   GPS data from thousands of vehicles to   traveled, impacts, raising and lower-
        Newport News, Va.                 determine real-time traffic conditions   ing of the forklift, and whether there’s
          Radwell International sells new and   and help drivers avoid congestion. “It’s   a pallet on the lift. That data crosses
        surplus equipment used in manufactur-  a fully integrated, real-time use of sen-  a wireless network to a server, which
        ing plants and facilities maintenance.  sors to alter the destiny of what you’re   uses the data in applications for fleet
        It implemented AutoStore in 2016 to   doing,” he says.              management, labor management, and
        gain high-density storage and fast pick-  “Before AutoStore, if I wanted to reor-  maintenance management.
        ing, says Brian Janusz, global program   ganize the warehouse physically, I had   “It gets exciting when that data is
        manager at Radwell. AutoStore keeps   to spend months, and lots of manpower,  accumulated and can either trigger
        product in bins, which the robots place   to bring products up front into the opti-  actions, predict actions, or prevent con-
        at various locations within the grid,  mum position,” Janusz says. AutoStore   sequences,” O’Connell says.
        sharing that information with Radwell’s   does this work continuously.   For instance, by collecting data every
        warehouse management system (WMS).   Because sensors on the robots send   time a truck collides with an object on
          One of AutoStore’s big benefits is the   data to Radwell’s information systems,  the warehouse floor, the system iden-
        way it continuously repositions the bins.  AutoStore also tells the company how   tifies hazardous intersections. Then,
        “Over time, the fast movers rise to the   often robots touch each bin. “That   tracking a truck in motion around the
        top of the system, and the slow moving   provides immense benefit by letting   warehouse, the system alerts the driver
        products sink to the bottom,” Janusz   us know which items are selling and   to any upcoming hazards, via a monitor
        says. That shortens the time required to   which are not,” Janusz says. “We can   mounted on the truck.
        pick high-demand products.        then stock accordingly.”            Users also can configure the sys-
          Swisslog calls that strategy “prebub-  Data passing between the robots and   tem to issue alarms. For example, if a
        bling,” says A.K. Schultz, the company’s   the system also help to keep AutoStore   truck hits an object with substantial
        vice president, e-commerce and retail.  up and running. “The robots know   force, it might send a text or e-mail to
        AutoStore receives data on customer   when they need a charge, and then they   a supervisor.

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