Page 75 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 75

Ropes, Knots, and Hitches

                   Midshipman’s	Hitch

                   A SLIde-And-gRIp LOOp fOR
                   SuSpendIng OBjeCtS OR AddIng
                   tenSIOn tO A LIne
                   The  midshipman’s  hitch  is  another  misnamed  knot.  Not
                   actually a hitch at all, the knot is a slide-and-grip loop that
                   can be adjusted when something needs to be suspended at a
                   specific height or a line needs to have slack taken out. When
                   a load is applied to this knot, it deforms the standing part of
                   the line at enough of an angle to cause the knot to grip firmly.
                   When the load is off, the knot slides freely. If the working end
                   is left long enough, a stopper knot can be tied around the
                   standing part of the line, giving this knot a semipermanent

                        Midshipman’ XXs Hitch: Step 1     Midshipman’s Hitch: Step 2

                      XXXForm a loop in the working end   XXX
                                                        Take the working end around
                      of the rope.                      the standing part and up
                                                        through the loop.


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