Page 71 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 71

Ropes, Knots, and Hitches

                   Double	Bowline

                   A vARIAtIOn Of tHe BASIC
                   BOwLIne tHAt AddS SeCuRIty
                   tO tHe KnOt
                   A  second  loop  at  the  beginning  of  a  double
                   bowline doubles the pressure on the working end
                   and  provides  greater  security.  The  finished  knot
                   does not have two loops, even though the name
                   implies that it might. If a double loop is needed,
                   use  the  bowline  on  a  bight  (see  page  54).  This
                   knot reduces the strength of a line by only 25 to
                   30 percent, making it an overall stronger knot than

                          Double Bow                        Double Bowline: Step 2
                                  XXline: Step 1

                      XXXForm a loop in the working end   XXX
                                                        Form a second loop, a duplicate
                      of the rope as if a basic bowline   of the first loop, and lay it on
                      (see page 52) was being tied.     top of the first loop.


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