Page 69 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 69

Ropes, Knots, and Hitches

                   Bowline	on	a	Bight

                   A fIxed dOuBLe LOOp tHAt CAn Be
                   tIed In tHe MIddLe Of A LIne
                   Bowline on a bight, bowline in the bight, bowline upon
                   the bight—they are all names for the same knot. This knot
                   can be tied near a working end of a rope but more often
                   appears away from an end. Historically, this knot served
                   as an improvised seat, the seated person shoving one leg
                   through one loop, the other leg through the other loop.
                   The person in the seat held on to the line and was then
                   lowered or raised, as over the side of a ship. When a double
                   loop is tied in the middle of a rope, a weight (such as a
                   person) can be lowered or raised from two points, allowing

                         Bowline on a XX Bight: Step 1     Bowline on a Bight: Step 2

                      XXXWith the line doubled, form a   XXX
                                                        Take the double end up through
                      loop in the doubled line as if a   the loop, again as if a basic
                      basic bowline (see page 52) was   bowline was being tied.
                      being tied.


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