Page 65 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 65
BOating KnOts:
scaffold Knot
A duRABLe nOOSe (SLIdIng LOOp)
Often uSed wItH A pROteCtIve
More complex than the simple noose (or slipknot), yet
simpler than the hangman’s noose, the scaffold knot
(sometimes called the gallows knot) is a sturdy loop that
slides to fit snugly around a bar, rail, or other object. On
boats this knot is often tightened around a thimble, a
teardrop-shaped lining for the loop that protects the line
from wear, creating what sailors refer to as a “hard-eye.”
This is important, since the almost constant movement
of boats soon wears through a line. (Thimbles are available
Scaffold K XXXXnot: Step 1 Scaffold K XX XXnot: Step 2
XXXXXXForm a loop in the working end XXX
Bring the working end back
of the line, then bring the work- across the top of the loop.
ing end around the back of the
standing part.
OB_RopesKnots_RevFinal_CS4.indd 50 2/9/12 3:11 PM