Page 61 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 61

Ropes, Knots, and Hitches

                   Vice	Versa

                   A KnOt uSed fOR jOInIng twO LIneS
                   tOgetHeR even wHen tHey ARe wet
                   And SLIppeRy
                   Slick  lines,  such  as  polyethylene  or  even  strips  of  wet
                   leather, can be joined together firmly with the vice versa.
                   A  somewhat  intricate  knot  with  quite  a  few  crossing
                   points, it is not terribly difficult to tie—after a few practice
                   tyings. But beware: If the two working ends are not woven
                   together exactly as shown, the final product will lack the
                   security of a true vice versa, and the knot may utterly fail.

                            Vice Ver XXsa: Step 1             Vice Versa
                                                                    XX: Step 2

                      XXXLay the two lines alongside    XXX
                                                        Bring the working end of one
                      each other, the working ends      line through the loop in the
                      pointing in opposite directions.   other line (from back to front),
                      Loop each line around the oth-    as shown in the photograph.
                      er, as shown in the photograph.


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