Page 59 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 59

BOating KnOts:


                   carrick	Bend

                   A KnOt uSed fOR jOInIng twO
                   LARge LIneS SeCuReLy
                   The  carrick  bend  creates  a  very  stable  knot  when  tied
                   correctly, even when the material in the two lines differs,
                   such as when synthetics are joined to natural fibers. But
                   this knot is often tied incorrectly by beginning knot tyers
                   who  weave  the  second  working  end  inappropriately
                   through  the  first  rope’s  loop.  The  wrongly  tied  knot
                   appears, on casual glance, to be a carrick bend, but it
                   falls  apart  under  pressure.  Because  of  this,  some  knot
                   enthusiasts  refer  to  the  knot  pictured  here  as  the  true

                                  XXnd: Step 1
                           Carrick Be                        Carrick Ben
                                                                    XXd: Step 2

                      XXXMake a loop in the working end   XXX
                                                        Lay the working end of the sec-
                      of the first line.                ond line across the first loop, as
                                                        shown in the photograph.


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