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IAGC Newsletter IAGC Newsletter
Message from our President IAGC Weighs in on
Continued... Zooplankton Study
Its results were widely reported, cited, and repeated in political
opinion pieces opposing seismic surveys in the U.S. Atlantic OCS, n 22 June 2017, IAGC President
environmental advocacy group campaigns and news reports in Nikki Martin released the following
Newfoundland and Labrador, Uruguay, New Zealand, Norway, and Ostatement regarding the publication of
around the world. research on the interaction of seismic surveys and
But we were ready. Two of the strategies that are at the core of zooplankton in Nature: Ecology and Evolution:
our mission are engaging government entities with credible scientific, “While we found the study interesting, we
technical, and legal analysis and equipping our members with relevant are also troubled by the small sample sizes,
scientific information, regulatory compliance resources, and public the large day-to-day variability in both the
advocacy materials. The IAGC’s Dr. Bob Gisiner anticipated the report baseline and experimental data, and the IAGC’S INDUSTRY
and worked with our staff to prepare and respond quickly to inquiries large number of speculative conclusions that
from the public, media, members, stakeholders and other industry appear inconsistent with the data collected PARTNERS
associations with the IAGC’s position and analysis. The result is that over a two-day period. Both statistically
while many were working to develop answers and strategies to address and methodologically, this project falls
this research, the IAGC put into action the plan we developed in short of what would be needed to provide IAGC’s New IP Members Help on Key Issues
advance of the report’s release. Many of our sister trade associations around a convincing case for adverse effects from
the globe have sought our assistance and input on this critical issue. geophysical survey operations. THE IAGC RECOGNIZES THE IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE GEOPHYSICAL
Around the world, the IAGC is leading the oil and gas industry’s “Although the initial report is peer- INDUSTRY AND THE E&P INDUSTRY AND HAS OPENED ITS MEMBERSHIP
advocacy efforts on exploration access issues and providing credible reviewed, it has not been widely accepted by the OPPORTUNITIES TO INCLUDE INDUSTRY PARTNERS, THOSE IN THE E&P INDUSTRY.
scientific information on the effects of E&P sound in the marine expert scientific community. We look forward to
environment, among other important matters. Our work, although most discussing this topic further with the authors and AGC’s growing list proactively engage and
often behind the scenes, ensures decisions are based on sound science, other experts in this field to determine the best of Industry Partners address perceived concerns
regulatory burdens are minimized, and roadblocks are removed. path forward toward more scientifically solid Ienables the Association regarding the potential
IAGC members represent the best the geophysical industry has to and consistent results that can be replicated and to more directly support impact to fisheries or WELCOME NEW MEMBERS
offer as leaders in both technological innovation and environmental verified by other independent researchers, in the our allies in the E&P fishing communities from The IAGC would also like to welcome BHPBilliton and Ocean
stewardship. And in this uncertain market, the geophysical industry best traditions of science. industry, and ensure seismic survey activity. Technologies as new members. We appreciate your support
continues to be the cornerstone of the modern energy industry. The “While we remain open to all emerging consistency and continuity Current Industry Partners and look forward to working with you and for you in 2017.
IAGC will continue to defend and advance decision-making based upon new scientific information, after more than in our global regulatory include Shell, ExxonMobil,
credible scientific, technical and legal analysis and address regulatory 50 years of continuous seismic surveying and public engagement Woodside, BHP Billiton, and
overreach to ensure your freedom to operate around the world. around the world, including extensive efforts. As one example Apache.
operations in the Gulf of Mexico, and over of opportunities for more Membership in this
It’s a pleasure working with you and on your behalf! a decade of intense scrutiny by hundreds of strategic alignment, category is growing fast
scientists, there is still no scientific evidence the IAGC is initiating a since inception. If you are
that sound from seismic operations has new Global Fisheries interested in membership
negative population impacts on marine life.” Workgroup with our in IAGC, please visit our Ocean Technologies
Nikki Martin current Industry Partners website or contact Criss
President, IAGC Click on the following links for and Governing Members Rennie-White at crennie@ Geomatics Sdn Bhd
complete documents: to more strategically and
2 • Press Release 3
• Talking Points