Page 7 - IAGC July Newsletter
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IAGC Newsletter                                                                               IAGC Newsletter

 IAGC to Submit Comments, Express   IAGC Comments on Metal
          Export Regulations

 Concerns with NOAA’s Proposed IHAs  Effecting Industry

          The IAGC, along with other trade
 n 6 June 2017, the National Oceanic and   Summary of issues:  associations, submitted the Oil & Natural
 Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) requested   •   Small dolphin exemption should apply to all dolphin   Gas Industry comments on Section 232
 Ocomments on its proposal to issue Incidental   species regardless of dolphin behavior.  National Security Investigation of Imports
 Harassment Authorizations (IHAs) to incidentally take   •   NMFS proposes to require shutdowns for certain   of Aluminum (23 June 2017) and Steel
 marine mammals during G&G activities, pursuant to the   types of marine mammal observations “at any   (31 May 2017) to the U.S. Department of
 Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) in the Atlantic   distance”.  This requirement is arbitrary and unrea-  Commerce.
 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). Nearly 700 days after the   sonable because it is unlimited (“at any distance”)
 first applications for IHAs were submitted to NOAA’s   and therefore contemplates shutdowns for circum-  he Secretary of Commerce initiated an   the proper findings of this Section 232 investigation and
 National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), our members   stances in which no Level A or Level B harassment   investigation into the large volumes of excess   avoid broad applications which sweep in all imported
 finally have the opportunity to comment on the proposed   will occur.  Tcapacity worldwide in an effort to potentially   steel and aluminum products from all countries.
 authorizations.  •   Maintaining 2 PSOs on-duty at all times requires   limit or tax the imports of steel and aluminum.          Limiting steel and aluminum imports into the U.S. will
         The IAGC’s comments will express concerns with   each source vessel to accommodate 4-5 PSOs at all           In summary, the Associations urge the Department   have a dramatic effect on the Oil & Gas industry as we use
 the impracticability of some of the proposed mitigation   times.  of Commerce to use the following criteria to determine   and consume large amounts of both products throughout
 measures and with NMFS’s substantial overestimation of   •   IAGC believes using Passive Acoustic Monitoring   the appropriate policy recommendations to address the   the lifecycle of exploration through the final product.
 the number of incidental takes that may occur as result   (PAM) should be optional.  findings of this Section 232 investigation of steel and   Prices of both commodities will increase with these
 of the surveys.  The best available scientific data and   aluminum imports:   potential regulations causing each phase of the oil lifecycle
 information demonstrate that mitigation programs can           For over 40 years, the federal government and aca-  1.  When determining harm to national security,   to become more expensive and reducing the ability of the
 and do effectively minimize and avoid the incidental take   demic scientists have studied the potential impacts of   employ a narrow definition of “national security”   U.S. Oil & Gas industry to compete on a global scale.
 of marine mammals associated with offshore geophysical   G&G activities on marine mammal populations and have   that conforms with 15 CFR § 705.4 and that does not           We will continue to monitor the policy developments
 survey operations. NMFS has proposed some mitigation   concluded that any such potential impacts are insignifi-  include steel and aluminum supply to the U.S. oil and   of Section 232 for steel and aluminum imports. Read full
 measures that are not practicable.  These measures will   cant.  This conclusion has been publicly reaffirmed on   natural gas industry.   comments for Aluminum and Steel.
 likely result in increased survey duration, which, in turn,   multiple occasions by the Bureau of Ocean and Land   2.  Consider the extent of existing trade remedies already
 can increase the potential exposure of marine mammals to   Management (BOEM).  in place to address the unfair steel and aluminum trade
 potential seismic-related effects because shutdowns and           The extensive record of information regarding the   practices of U.S. trade partners and only put forward   IAGC Committees to Consult
 delays necessarily result in overall increased surveying time   insignificant effects of OCS seismic surveying demon-  new actions that are targeted precisely and narrowly
 to preserve data quality and integrity.  strates that the Proposed IHAs will have no more than a   to any previously unaddressed underlying causes of   on OGA Regulations
         The comment period ends 21 July.  temporary, localized, and negligible impact on marine   distortions in the global market for steel and aluminum.
 mammals and marine mammal species or stocks.  The   3.  Consider the ways in which new U.S. tariffs, quotas or   Over the past 4 years, the IAGC EAME Committee has led
 proposed seismic surveys are critical to the safe and   other measures could have a potential negative effect   IAGC’s efforts in negotiations with OGA (the United King-
 orderly development of the oil and gas resources of the   on U.S. energy security beyond their initial and direct   dom’s Oil and Gas Authority) on how geophysical data will
 Atlantic OCS, and can be accomplished with insignificant   effects on steel and aluminum, such as how they may   be regulated in the UK’s jurisdiction going forward. As part
 environmental impacts.  The IAGC therefore strongly   increase costs for oil and natural gas industry by being   of that process, the OGA is seeking ‘consultation’ on recently
 supports NMFS’s authorization of IHAs to address any in-  passed through the chain of distribution, and how   proposed ‘regulations for the retention and disclosure of
 cidental harassment of marine mammals that may result   they could potentially affect affordable energy for   information and samples’. The IAGC EAME and Global Data
 from the proposed Atlantic OCS surveys.   consumers, including the US government.   Licensing Committees will be responding to the comment
         The IAGC will continue to work to ensure members    The Associations believe that any policy   deadline on 25 August 2017.
 have the oppor tunity to survey in new markets around   recommendations to address the findings of this           Read the UK Oil & Gas UK Regulation Consultation for
 66  the world including the Atlantic OCS.  Section 232 investigation should be narrowly tailored to   Comments, as well as some background materials.   7
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