Page 110 - NACC – 2018 Yearbook
P. 110
Care Home Catering
the RATIONAL solution
Future proo ng your kitchen is key for care homes. Equipment should now last for ten years or more, so you need to plan for changes in menu and capacity well into the future. A kitchen with a RATIONAL SelfCookingCenter® and a RATIONAL VarioCookingCenter® can cook everything and use less energy than when cooking with conventional appliances. These units can adapt to varying demand and changes in menus, o ering more cooking options and greater exibility than conventional appliances.
RATIONAL’s SelfCookingCenter® combi oven can roast, poach, bake, toast, braise, steam, grill and pan fry – all at the touch of a button and all with consistent quality. Meanwhile the VarioCookingCenter® combines all the functions of a kettle, fryer, griddle, bratt pan, tilting pan and pressure cooker in one unit.
Researchers at Zurich University found that by switching from conventional appliances to the latest RATIONAL VarioCookingCenter® and SelfCookingCenter®, a kitchen reduced energy consumption by 34% and water consumption by 53%. Moreover, the new kitchen appliances were able to produce more food from less space.
The kitchen now has a VarioCookingCenter®, which is used alongside a RATIONAL combi oven, to produce all the meals. “The RATIONALs work
very well for us,” says Jo. “We use the VarioCookingCenter® for boiling vegetables, for making gravy and stocks and it’s especially useful for casseroles and hot pots. The joy of it is that once everything is in the pan and mixed up we can walk away con dent that the VarioCookingCenter® will take care of the cooking. Nothing burns or sticks. We don’t have to stand over the pot watching what’s going on. This frees up sta to get on with other kitchen duties. It’s eased up the workload in the kitchen, improved the quality of the food and makes getting the meals out on time much easier.”
RATIONAL’s ConnectedCooking allows users to
link their SelfCookingCenters and VarioCooking Centers to a network and monitor operation
over the internet. Care home caterers can check on overnight cooking processes from home and managers can check on operational e ciency of multiple units in di erent sites. For servicing, or if there are any issues, the manager can authorise RATIONAL’s accredited service engineers to check a unit’s status remotely.
RATIONAL’s new Training and Resources App combines a huge range of resources, including videos showing how to cook speci c recipes and
how to carry out various day-to-day maintenance tasks. It covers both the SelfCookingCenter® and the VarioCookingCenter® and is very easy to download, with no registration required. The App is smartphone-friendly and can be used in the kitchen, enabling sta to nd out how to cook a recipe or tackle day-to-day cleaning or maintenance tasks instantly.
Care home chefs can test drive the SelfCookingCenter and VarioCookingCenter® at a RATIONAL live cooking demonstration. They take place every month at over 120 venues across the UK, so there is sure to be one happening near you. Led by professional RATIONAL chefs who are experts in the latest technologies and techniques, participants can cook with the equipment and sample the results.
Magdalen House Nursing Home is part of the Gloucester Charities Trust. When the kitchen was refurbished, head chef Jo Galling looked
to use modern cooking equipment to streamline the operation.
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