Page 5 - NACC – 2018 Yearbook
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                                A very warm
 A very warm welcome to your National Association of Care Catering (NACC) yearbook
It’s been a pleasure and honour to fulfil the role of the NACC’s deputy chair again this year. Working at the cutting edge of innovations with our many dedicated and enthusiastic working parties and having interesting discussions with fellow members and industry colleagues, have given me the amazing opportunity to get to know more of our wonderful members and help bring good practice to the industry. I’ve been so proud to speak at events, including Hotelympia and PACE, to promote the NACC and all of our fantastic work.
This yearbook features excellent examples of people going above and beyond to improve the lives of the elderly and vulnerable reliant on the care sector – be that in a care home or in the community. From the ongoing  ght to protect the valuable Meals on Wheels service to making sure the Royal Wedding created memorable experiences for all, the pages ahead, together with my own personal NACC experiences, more than prove the bene ts of being a part of this organisation. We say it a lot, but it’s very true; together we are stronger, together we can make a di erence. I continue to be in awe of the work so many individuals selflessly do.
The year to come is sure to bring many more important topics to the fore and see furtherchangestoensurecontinuedexcellence. We’reready!Keepspreadingthe word so the NACC (that’s all of us!) can have yet more influence and make an even bigger di erence.
Sophie Murray
NACC Deputy Chair
National Administration O ce
c/o McCullough Moore Ltd, Meadow Court, Faygate Lane, Faygate, West Sussex RH12 4SJ
0870 748 0180 0870 748 0181
Membership Ness Elliott
The yearbook is produced on behalf of the NACC by McCullough Moore Ltd Editorial Berenice Pretlove and Ness Elliott
Sales Jac Brailey Design & Production Matt Statter Print Pensord Press

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