Page 9 - NACC – 2018 Yearbook
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A word from your
patron & ambassadors
It’s has been another excellent year for the NACC. A highlight for most of us was last October’s Training & Development Forum 2017, in which a meticulously-planned programme brought the NACC’s 30th anniversary celebrations to a great conclusion with an engaging programme that addressed the latest developments and innovations in care catering. Well done to everyone involved in the planning and management of such a momentous event.
It was wonderful news that the association welcomed Chris and Jayne Roberts as its new ambassadors last year. Chris and Jayne’s commitment to educating others about dementia, based on their own personal experiences, has been of great bene t to us all in understanding further how to cater for people with dementia and helping us develop and share nutritional best practice and guidance in this important area.
I would like to congratulate Stuart Middleton, who was crowned NACC Care Chef of the Year for 2017, and John Grover, who took the title for 2018. Congratulations also go to John Wills House, that was named Care Establishment of the Year at the NACC Awards held in Nottingham last October, and West Sussex County Council who won the Meals on Wheels Award. I also send warmest congratulations to the other award winners and, of course, our Premier Partners, without whose valuable assistance, none of this would be possible.
Another important development was that the Level 2 Award in Professional Cookery in Health and Social Care Catering, that the NACC was instrumental in creating, was o cially approved on the Ofqual Regulated Quali cation Framework. This very welcome quali cation is speci cally designed for people who cater for patients and residents in a health and social care setting and aims to develop their awareness of diet and appetite issues that may arise in this environment.
In my time as patron, I’ve been very impressed how the NACC has consistently supported the Meals on Wheels Service and committed itself to ensuring that the very highest standards of catering are consistently maintained. I’m con dent that the association will continue to go from strength to strength and I wish the NACC every success in the future.
Sally Greengross
We’re very pleased to continue to support the National Association of Care Catering and its work. Good food and nutrition are vital for everyone at any stage of life. But, for people living with a dementia, its importance takes on a deeper meaning. From the nutritional value of ingredients to the way it’s prepared and presented, food has the ability to nourish both physical and emotional wellbeing. It’s all in the detail. The colours, taste, texture and ease to swallow can improve quality of life and health.
The NACC is committed to educating and advising those responsible for food provision in care settings with the common goal of raising standards through meaningful food experiences. As its ambassadors, we too are committed to continuing to help inform others and raise awareness of the association and the valuable support it can o er.
Chris and Jayne Roberts
is a respected and influential politician, campaigner and advocate oftheinterestsofolderpeople. She is a crossbench life peer sitting in
the House of Lords. She is a member of the Equality and Human Rights Commission and chief executive of the International Longevity Centre.
are committed to educating others about dementia, drawing on their personal experiences. Jayne’s mother has a diagnosis of dementia and Chris also has a diagnosis of mixed dementia, vascular damage and Alzheimer’s.