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P. 131

mailxmail - Cursos para compartir lo que sabes

            39. Interrupciones


            Se usa cuando una acción en pasado progresivo es interrumpida por una acción en
            pasado simple.
            Se usan los conectores "when (jwen) (cuando...)" Y "before (bifor) (antes, antes de)".
            Note que en las siguientes oraciones ocurren dos acciones en pasado, pero una pasa
            antes que la otra.
            He was reading the magazine when his sister sang.
            (ji was wri..ding de magasin jwen jis sister sang)
            (él estaba leyendo la revista cuando su hermana canto)

            I was reading my book before you came in here.
            (ai was wri..ding mai buk bifor iu keim in jir)
            (yo estaba leyendo mi libro antes de que tu entraras aquí)

            When we arrived, dad was watching the news.
            (jwen ui awraivd, dad was wotching de nius)
            (cuando nosotros llegamos, papa estaba mirando las noticias)

            They were writing a letter to their friends when their parents arrived.
            (dei wer wraiting a leder tu deir frends jwen deir parents awraivd)
            (ellos estaban escribiendo una carta a sus amigos cuando sus padres llegaron)

            Entermediate 2 english practice, unit 6 "interruptions"

            Complete the following sentences as appropiate:
            1) I ____ reading a book, ________ my mother spoke to me.
            2) He _____ playing with his children, _________ one of them died.
            3) They were buying many things, when the accident ____________.
            4) ________ you _______ listening a song too high, your father scold you.
            5) ________ you came here, I ______ was making a phone call.

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