Page 132 - cuenca
P. 132
mailxmail - Cursos para compartir lo que sabes
40. Palabras interrogativas con futuro y pasado
Question words with future and past
(cuestion words wid fiutur and past)
(palabras interrogativas con futuro y pasado)
"con futuro idiomático":
She is going to visit her grandparents in new york at 7:00 o´clock pm. Tomorrow,
because she wants to.
Who is going to visit her grandparents in new york at 7:00 pm. Tomorrow?.
R = she is.
What is she going to do in new york at 7:00 o´clock pm. Tomorrow, because she
wants to?.
R = she is going to visit her grandparents.
Who is she going to visit to in new york at 7:00 o´clock pm. Tomorrow, because she
wants to?.
R = to her grandparents.
Where is she going to visit her grandparents at 7:00 o´clock pm. Tomorrow,
because. . . . . .?.
R = in new york.
When is she going to visit her grandparents in new york, because. . . . . . . .?.
R = at 7:00 o´clock pm. Tomorrow.
Why is she going to visit her grandparents in new york at 7:00 o´clock pm.
R = because she wants to do it.
We are going to go to xalapa next week.
Who is going to xalapa next week?.
R = we are.
What are we going to do next week?.
R = to go to xalapa.
Where are we going to go to next week?.
R = to xalapa.
When are we going to go to xalapa?.
R = next week.
"con futuro simple":
I will work in that shop next month, because the owner wants me to do it.
Who will work in that shop next month, because. . . . . . .?.
R = I will. Or I will do it.
What will I do in that shop next month, because. . . . . .?.
R = I will work.