Page 2 - Hanging Sleeping Planter test
P. 2
Step 1: Materials
A 3D printer or any 3D printing service (I use a TEVO Craft knife
Garnet paper 1 grit
Wood filler
href=" Hot glue gun and stick
Sandable/dp/B006ZLQ4HQ/ref=sr_1_1? Scissors
1&keywords=sandable+primer">Filler primer 3 skewers
Water sanding paper P400 Twine
Paint primer base School glue
Light blue (with a gray undertone) and black acrylic Paintbrushes
Step 2: Designing
I used Tinkercad to design this hanging planter. welcome to make any changes necessary to my
model. Basically, be creative and create your own
Feel free to change the size of the print. Since I made original hanging planter.
it to stand on an office desk, I made it to fit a small
succulent. If you want to use my design just download the
attached files.
Tinkercad is very intuitive, and any beginner can
design a print when using it. you're more than
Hanging Sleeping Planter (Tinkercad): Page 2