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Editorial...                                            s we come to the end of the year of commemoration
                                                                of the 1916 rising, we are faced with international
                                                                uncertainty in our case Brexit, and further afield, the
                                                                slow halt to the European Union Project in general.
                                                        AThe Trump era is upon us and hopefully we, as
                                                        observers, will not be too affected by the economic
                                                        implications of this new world shift. The status quo is up for
                                                        examination everywhere you turn.
                                                           The people in Newstalk Radio interviewed me recently about
                                                        the costs of taxis in the HSE. They were making a big issue of
                                                        the fact that the HSE will spend 19 million euro on taxis this
                                                        year. I think they were disappointed when I predicted that half
                                                        of the sum, maybe 9 million was for haemodialysis patients
                                                        transport. It is estimated that 9 million miles a year are
                                                        consumed by haemodialysis patients on their 312 journeys for
                                                        dialysis. I wonder how many of you manage your own
                                                        transport or drive yourselves, due to frustration with the HSE
                                                        provided service? A practical rate of reimbursement rather than
                                                        an antiquated miniscule 5 cent per mile tax rebate is long
                                                        overdue. This will save the HSE cash, and offer an alternative
                                                        choice to patients but, we await the powers that be, to realise
                                                        this. We are 4 years knocking on doors about this unresolved
                                                           The good news of 2016 will be the
                                                        number ‘50+’. The amount of living
                                                        donor kidney transplants in Ireland for
                                                        2016. The ‘+’ are the extra living donor
                                                        kidney transplants made possible by the
                                                        involvement of Irish donors and
                                                        recipients in the UK paired living kidney
                                                        exchange programme. You will see an
                                                        article in this support about the annual
                                                        report of the National Kidney Transplant  Dilly Little
        Contents...                                     to see the complete Report.
                                                        Service 2015 and I recommend that you go online, if you can,

                                                           I first came in contact with kidney disease in 1981 and
                                                        became a carer of a haemodialysis patient. At that time there

                                                            2    EDITORIAL
                                          FRONT COVER
                                        Pictured at the launch of
                                         Radio Snowflake 2016  4  A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE FROM
                                          were (back row, from
                                            left): David Baker,  THE NATIONAL CHAIRMAN
                                              Manager, Radio
                                        Snowflake; Clidhna and  5  A MESSAGE FROM THE
                                         Terry McElroy with their
                                       twins, Donagh and Caoila  PATIENT SUPPORT OFFICER
                                           Harry Ward, Patricia
                                          McKenzie and Colette
                                                  Fennelly.   6  NATIONAL KIDNEY TRANSPLANT SERVICE
                                          (Front row, from left):
                                        Conor and Sarah Dalton   ANNUAL REPORT 2015
                                       with baby Annabelle born
                                         in August 2016; Tadhg  8  SPORTS ROUND-UP
                                          McElroy, Clidhna and
                                              Terry’s son and
                                                Santa Claus.  10 21ST WORLD TRANSPLANT GAMES

                                                            11 SOCIAL MEDIA & COMMUNICATION

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