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“The transplant gave us
                                                                 both our lives back.”
          566           19             3.4%

          The number on the transplant waiting   The median waiting time for a kidney   From 2014 to 2015, there was a 3.4%
          pool for kidney only transplants   transplant for those transplanted in    increase in the cumulative number
          decreased from over 600 in 2014 to    2015 was 19 months.  of recipients with a functioning
          568 in 2015.                 kidney transplant.
          89%           17.1%          13.7

          Kidney transplant survival for living   The proportion of ‘highly sensitised’   Kidney transplant survival for adult
          donor transplants was 89% at 5 years for   patients transplanted was relatively   deceased donor kidneys for the period
          adults and 92% for paediatric recipients   static at 17.1%, with numbers of these   1991-2015 was 13.7 years, with outcomes
          transplanted between 2007 and 2014.    difficult to transplant patients on the   continuing to improve by era. Patient
                        waiting list growing year on year.   survival for this group is 22 years.
          8             +              =

          Paired kidney exchange, a method   A kidney transplant survival and   Patient survival of kidney transplant
          for transplanting ‘highly sensitised’   patient survival advantage is seen for   recipients was similar to the rest
          recipients, has continued to grow with 8   living donor transplant recipients at all   of Europe.
          such transplants occurring in 2015.   timepoints post-transplant.
          >                            0
                                                                                 Josephine Mulryan Evers and
          Kidney transplant survival is significantly   The probabilities of transplant survival   No combined kidney pancreas transplants
          better in the Republic of Ireland when   and patient survival have steadily   were performed in 2015 following the   her husband John Evers
          compared with European outcomes   improved among recipients of both living   decision to transition the pancreas
          collected by the European Collaborative   and deceased donor kidney transplants   transplant program to St. Vincent’s
          Transplant Study (CTS).  over the past 20 years.  University Hospital.   Kidney Donor and Kidney Transplant Recipient
        fewer potential matching donors for  patient group from a surgical and   Josephine Mulryan Evers had been
        them, and conferring an increased risk  immunological perspective,       married to husband John for many years
        of rejection of the transplant.     significantly exceeds the outcome    when he developed kidney failure.
           Addressing these problems needs a  data from Europe. As clinicians, we
        multifaceted approach. In particular,  recognise that every single transplant  Life with kidney disease was tough
        support for further development of  starts with an incredible gift of    on both of them, so in January 2010
        the living kidney donor programme is  generosity. Whether it comes from the  Josephine made the decision to give
        essential. Improved access to the   recently bereaved family of a deceased  one of her kidneys to John.
        paired kidney exchange programme in  donor, who find the strength to see  Josephine says that not only did
        the UK and innovation in the        beyond their grief and reach out to  John get his life back following the
        immunological and surgical          another in their time of greatest loss,  transplant, but she got her life back
        management of patients with high    or from the heroism of a living kidney  too from being a kidney donor. With
        levels of circulating antibodies are also  donor, who sees beyond their own  many shared interests and hobbies,
        required. In this regard, we        fear of surgery and gives literally of  they now enjoy their lives together
        acknowledge the efforts of our      themselves, so that another can be   to the full. In the last year John has
        colleagues in the UK, our partnership  restored to better health. We     retired from a very busy job and has
        with whom has allowed 8 paired      acknowledge the extraordinary        joined Josephine in helping her to
        kidney exchange transplants to      generosity that each and every donor  run her business.
        proceed in 2015. Lastly, progress in  brings to the transplant service and
        permitting altruistic living kidney  are continually humbled by their
        donors to proceed to donation would  incredible acts of kindness.
        be most welcome.
           For a number of years, the NKTS
        has participated in the Collaborative
        European Transplant Study – this
        study, based in the University of
        Heidelberg, has enrolled and collated
        data from over 400 transplant centres
        across Europe. Contributing data to
        this study has allowed us to
        benchmark our patient and transplant
        outcomes over the last 30 years. We
        are pleased to note that our patient
        and allograft survival data compare
        very favorably with results from                                                  Dr. Conall O’Seaghdha
        European centres across all time
                                                                                          Consultant Nephrologist
        points, even out to 20 years post-
        transplant. Furthermore, our patient
        and graft survival data for re-                                                   Ms. Dilly Little
        transplanted patients, a challenging                                              Consultant Transplant Surgeon

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