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       MEDIA& Communication

              s the festive season draws ever closer and we say  our various posts – if you look at the period from the
              goodbye to 2016, I would like to take this      launch (29th March) to the end of ODAW the reach was
              moment to thank all our followers across our    over 1.3 million. These are very impressive numbers for
        Asocial media pages for their continued support.      an organisation of our size!
           A year is a long time in social media, and I am      2016 also saw the IKA Facebook page make the final
        delighted to report our social media presence this year  of the Social Media Awards (Sockies) when we were
        again took a big jump. Our Facebook account has       shortlisted in the category: Best Facebook page for
        grown to over 22,000 fans, the Twitter page has recently  a Non-Profit Charitable Organisation. We were
        hit 2,000 followers and our Instagram page, which we  delighted to get to the final, eventually losing out
        launched this year, has over 1,000 followers.         to the Irish Defence Forces. Hopefully we will be
           Our Facebook page has been likened to the ‘virtual  back again next year!
        branch’ of the IKA and the enormous online community    There are opportunities everywhere to
        that it brings together offers a wonderful platform for  promote organ donor awareness online,
        everyone to share stories, share experiences and learn  with that in mind, this year also saw us launch
        from each other.                                      a YouTube Channel, and we plan to
           There was a great reaction to a story we posted about  feature a mix of interviews,
        Mary Flynn from Drumkeerin, Co Leitrim, aged 84, who  promotional videos and patient
        is a patient in Beaumont Hospital and wanted to do    testimonials.
        something to say thanks for all the care she received   If you have any uplifting
        over the years! So she decided to have her head shaved!  stories, fundraising events,
        Her efforts raised €5000 which was split three ways   etc. that you would like me
        between the transplant unit, oncology and the IKA     to promote on our social
        Renal Support Centre. The post proved a great success  media platforms please
        reaching over 31,000 people, with over 140            let me know.
        commenting showing their support to Mary, a fine
        example of bringing together our Facebook
           This year, during Organ Donor Awareness Week
        (2nd-9th April) the IKA Facebook page was very
        successful and we reached over 1 million people with

                                                                                                       Finally I’d
                                                                                                      like to wish
                                                                                                         you all a
                                                                                                   Christmas and
                                                                                                    a prosperous
                                                                                                       New Year!

                                                                                           If you have any enquiries
                                                                                                 please contact me:
                                                                                                  JAMES REYNOLDS
                                                                                                   in Donor House,
                                                                                         via email: or
                                                                                     through our social media pages:
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