Page 16 - IKA_SUPPORT_WINTER_2016_WEB_Layout 1
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It’s important to eat What should I eat Specific dietary needs
enough protein during haemodialysis? If you have specific
Research shows that some During haemodialysis we dietary needs
people don’t eat enough on encourage you to have a (for example if you need
dialysis days. This is because nutritious sandwich to ensure gluten-free bread), please discuss
you can often miss a main meal you get enough protein that this with your dietitian.
and have a very long period of day.
time when you are away from Restrict fluids
We recommend that you
home. You should restrict your fluid intake
should be offered a sandwich
During your dialysis session during dialysis that contains to one small cup of tea or water
your protein requirements one of these: (150-200mls) per dialysis session.
increase and you lose protein in Turkey When you are on dialysis, all fluids that
the fluid that is removed. You Chicken you drink, both at home and during
need to eat enough protein- Tuna mayonnaise dialysis need to be removed from your
containing foods to keep your Beef blood. If you drink too much during
muscles strong, and fight Chicken and stuffing dialysis, it may not be possible to
infection. Egg mayonnaise remove all the fluid from your blood
during the treatment.
We recommend that you try to
eat foods that contain protein
during your dialysis session.
For example:
Chicken, or
Some patients cannot tolerate What about potassium?
eating while on the dialysis Is it safe to eat high potassium
machine. Your doctor, nurse or snacks on dialysis, for example
dietitian will advise you about Bring your chocolate or crisps?
this. If you cannot tolerate food phosphate binders No, it is not safe.
during dialysis, they will arrange When you come to dialysis, This is because the potassium
for you to have something to please remember to bring your contained in the snack may not be
eat either before, or after your phosphate binders with you to removed from your blood during
dialysis. take with you sandwich. that particular dialysis session.
If you have any questions or queries, please ask your dietitian.
Supported by the Irish Kidney Association © Irish Nutrition and Dietetics Institute, INDI.