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f you have never been to a a donor family approach members of
European Transplant & Dialysis our team to acknowledge their
Sports Championships you might accomplishments but also to express
Iwell wonder what the fuss is all appreciation for what they represent.
about?! My favourite tweet associated with
If I was to try and summarise it in our involvement in this year’s
one sentence it would be: it is about European Championships read;
people and it is about making a “Seeing the Irish team return from the
difference. Our team of 46 people Transplant & Dialysis European
that travelled to Finland for this year’s Championships so happy makes me
Championships was made up of 27 glad to be an organ donor.” It truly is
competitors and 19 supporters but about people and about making a
the network of people behind them difference.
was vast. Our team could not travel if it were
By COLIN WHITE When you realise the value that not for the support of the transplant
TEAM MANAGER travelling supporters (family members and dialysis medical community.
and friends) put on their loved one’s Whether it is completing a medical
involvement, in transplant and dialysis form or simply giving words of
sport, you realise that its impact goes encouragement, the support of an
beyond the 7 days of competition. athlete’s medical team can make all
Having a goal such as the European or the difference when it comes to
World events motivates a healthy and confidence building.
active approach to day to day life With a growing realisation that
resulting in so many positive healthcare should not only be reactive
outcomes not only for the individual (healing the sick) our physicians can
but for their families too. help inspire their patients to take a
When you look at the wider impact more proactive role in their own
of the existence of our sports team healthcare by encouraging and
you realise that the value of the supporting them to lead an active and
project extends beyond those healthy lifestyle that includes
immediately involved. At our recent participation in events such as the
Service of Remembrance and European Transplant & Dialysis Sports
Thanksgiving I witnessed a member of Championships. continued next page....