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The European Transplant & Dialysis Sports
humour and warm personality has
endeared him to all he meets and
every year people from other nations
ask Is Harry here? Surprisingly, they
can all understand his strong Dublin
accent (well all except Mike!).
We also have a team doctor Claire
Kennedy whose professionalism and
dedication is of huge comfort to those
travelling with a variety of medical
baggage. PR ‘guru’ Sarah May records
all the events of the week – hugely
important in highlighting the need for
Organ Donation and all these vital
aspects of Transplant Team Ireland are
overseen by IKA CEO Mark Murphy,
uring the cold and dark and the life stories that we have been who must be congratulating himself
month of January 2008, honoured to hear and share. In the on a ‘dream team’.
Transplant Championships middle of all of this, there is a lot of This year, we travelled to Helsinki,
Dseemed like a million miles laughter, fun and camaraderie, maybe in Finland for the 9th European
away and an impossible ask. Following even some disagreements...Transplant Transplant & Dialysis Championships.
his transplant on Christmas Day, my Team Ireland is, in all senses, a family. Helsinki is an unusual city and whilst it
husband Mike had suffered major Supporters are as much part of may not have been on my wish list, it
rejection of his new liver. It was a very Transplant Team Ireland as the athletes has a certain quirky charm. Built
challenging time but the mention of and this surprised me, in a good way. around its coveted harbour, there is a
the Transplant Games seemed to We go to all the nightly team strong sense of its violent past.
promise a future without pain. Often meetings, support at all the events Everywhere is clean and tidy and the
times, as he struggled down the and help out in any way we can – it is constant brightness, throughout the
corridors of St. Vincent’s Hospital, in fully inclusive and we are all made feel summer nights, is unusual and at
Dublin, we would say: “We’ll look that we play a valuable part in the times disconcerting.
back on this when you win a medal week. This is the team ethos The food is different with fish a key
and it will be all worthwhile”. promoted so positively by Team staple...we resisted the Rudolph
It seemed an eternity away and Manager Colin White. Always Special Pizza made with reindeer
indeed an empty promise. But now, unflappable and calm in every meat! But, the people are very friendly
after eight Transplant Games and situation (I have seen him tested in the – quite reserved and they seem to be
several medals later, I thank God for extreme), Colin’s professional used to living life to a strict routine. So
all donors and for the gift of good approach and capable manner make during our week in July, they had to
health. And yes, it has all been so him the ideal negotiator and mediator. adjust to the raucous laughter of the
worthwhile, not for the medals won – He organises, advises, consults, Irish well into the early hours. But by
which, of course are treasured – but placates and is on constant call during the end of the week, it was funny to
the experience of these Transplant the week. It is not surprising that hear them join in to the chorus of
Championships that is so much more other teams often seek him out to fix Molly Malone.
than medals. It is the people we have their issues also. I firmly believe that Transplant Team
met, the friends we have made, Colin is ably assisted by Team Ireland does more for Irish tourism
unique places we have travelled to Captain Harry Ward. whose unique that any brochure ever could –