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difference in my everyday life. Being
Following transplantation, it is easy to
stronger and fitter means that I am
continue to see yourself as a patient
able to complete tasks around the
and remain introspective and
protective of your transplanted organ.
objects previously too heavy for me
A more positive approach is to say “I
and being able to work at these tasks
have received a gift of new life and I house and garden such as lifting
am going to care for it and enjoy it to for longer periods of time. I can also
the full.” This is not simply my walk for longer distances and hit the
opinion. Scientific journals have ball a bit further but no straighter in
published data showing that exercise golf!
following organ transplantation is I was recently appointed from
extremely beneficial for the Transplant Team Ireland by the WTGF
transplanted organ and for the overall as an ambassador for their “Fit For
physical, mental, social and economic Life!” campaign. In this role, my hope
welfare of the recipient. would be that working in conjunction
After I received my transplant, I was with the IKA (Transplant Team Ireland)
not given any advice about the place and other interested parties, nurses,
of exercise in my rehabilitation. My doctors, dietitians, physiotherapists
belief is that it is imperative to have and others, we can, together, institute
recognised guidelines and structures in a programme of guidelines for exercise
place to encourage and monitor and fitness which will benefit all
exercise and fitness progression transplant recipients.
following transplant. Having a Peak fitness will mean different
Ron Grainger
recommended personalised written things for each individual. For one it
programme for each recipient would fitness. However, not having trained in may mean better ability to walk or
be a great place to start. Following a gym setting for almost 50 years, I swim. To another, taking part in
discharge from hospital, after my returned to the gym to see if I could organised sport either in a team or
transplant, I mapped out my own get fit enough to run sprints as I did individual setting and for yet another,
exercise plan to aid and expedite my when in my teens. This required perhaps competing in transplant
recovery but it would have been so careful monitoring so that I avoided games at either European or World
helpful to have had definitive guidance injury and didn’t overdo things. The level. Whilst recruiting new members
on this from a professional source. programme worked out well and I was of Transplant Team Ireland is not a
In the years thereafter, whilst I kept able to compete in the European primary goal, it would be great to
a reasonable level of fitness by Transplant and Dialysis Games in welcome new members to this
working in a very busy job, taking the Finland 2016, achieving the goal I had wonderful group of people from many
stairs rather than a lift etc and playing set myself. varied backgrounds who share similar
golf occasionally (“a good walk I continue to exercise in the gym experience of chronic illness and many
spoiled” according to Mark Twain), I and I am enjoying a new level of of whom are “Loving New Life” with a
wasn’t seriously trying to achieve peak health and fitness. This makes a successful transplant.
June 25 – July 2 World Transplant Games Malaga, Spain
Registration has already opened
Contact Colin White for more information
July 28 – 31 British Transplant Games North Lanarkshire
Registration will open Scotland
in early 2017 – contact
Colin White for more information
Sunday Aug 27 Family Sports Day ALSAA Sports Complex
Sports Hall
Track & Field, Swimming Pool,
Darts, Bowling, Squash