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our miracle baby. I wouldn’t have     Proud to be Ireland’s   Tadhg McElroy with Santa
        been able to have children while on  original Christmas station,
        dialysis. We are besotted with her and  Radio Snowflake enjoyed a
        it is all thanks to organ donation.”  large following in the
           Five year old Tadhg McElroy from  1980s broadcasting on FM
        Bray was delighted to meet Santa at  and AM. With the
        the photocall along with his family  emergence of online
        including his kidney donor mother   broadcast platforms, the
        Clidhna, his father Terry and six month  station resurrected in 2013
        old baby sibling twins Donagh and   under the management of
        Caoila. Tadhg had been receiving    David Baker who is best
        dialysis treatment at Temple Street  known in his native Ireland
        Children’s Hospital since he was just  for his nightly shows on
        six months old until April 2014 when  Kfm in Kildare and he has
        Clidhna donated a kidney to him.    also worked for several
        Another happy family event followed  years on radio in the UK.
        when Clidhna gave birth to twins in   Radio Snowflake has
        May this year. Since then Tadhg’s   supported other worthy
        grandmother, Evelyn, has been put on  causes with The Samaritans
        the transplant list waiting for a kidney.  chosen as last year’s charity
           Speaking about his son Tadhg’s   partner. David said, “I’m looking   the IKA and we plan to create great
        kidney transplant, Terry McElroy said,  forward to bringing the sound of  awareness about the work it does over
        “our family has been affected twice  Christmas back. I believe our style is  the station’s 26 day run. From all
        by kidney failure. First, from the day  unique and it is different. Whilst we  accounts by the people who work
        our son, Tadhg, was born in 2011 and  will play great favorites that everyone  there, day to day, to families who have
        now with my mother Evelyn, aged 69.  knows, the sound won’t be tacky and  been called for a lifesaving organ
        For both of them haemodialysis was  predictable and full of Christmas   transplant, there will be some real
        required to keep them alive and while  cracker jokes. It is a station everyone  heart rending stories to hear. We hope
        it does that, it is no substitute for  will enjoy and is the perfect mix for  that people will share in our
        what is really required to live a normal  Christmas with top quality presenters.  celebration of Christmas by enjoying
        life and that is a kidney transplant. In  We are supporting a fantastic cause in  everything the station has to offer.”
        Tadhg’s case we were exceptionally
        lucky that my wife, Clidhna, was a
        match for a lifesaving kidney donation
        to Tadhg who was successfully
        transplanted in 2014 at the age of just
        2½ years old and he is now thriving. It
        is also thanks to the amazing teams at
        Temple Street, Beaumont and the IKA
        that helped to make this possible. My
        mother is on the transplant waiting
        list since October 2016 and
        desperately needs a kidney from a
        matching donor to improve her quality
        of life. Having seen first-hand the
        difference a kidney transplant makes,
        I would like to urge everyone to carry
        a donor card so that other people,
        including my mother, can be given a
        chance to live their lives to the full.”
           Also attending the photocall and
        grateful to their deceased donors for
        their kidney transplants were
        Dubliners Harry Ward from Baldoyle,
        Patricia McKenzie from Portmarnock   DIT Rowing Club were out in the cold on Saturday November 26th fundraising for the IKA,
        and Colette Fennelly from            with a Rowathon. Passersby were challenged to row as fast as they could for 100m, with
        Bishopstown, Cork who stayed at the  some producing impressive results.
        IKA’s Renal Support Centre, when her    “It is great to be able to help such a worthwhile organisation. The IKA provides crucial
        husband Don was undergoing a         assistance to families who are affected by kidney failure. Some of our own members have
        kidney transplant at Beaumont        experienced the wonderful support provided by them, so we were delighted to be able to
        Hospital, in September 2016, his     use our sport to help fundraise,” said Vice Captain Rebekah Tunstead.
        second transplant from a deceased       €470 has been raised to date - and a final total will be announced in the next issue of
        organ donor, having undergone his    SUPPORT. Well done to everyone!
        first transplant in 2002.
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